"Ewe, it stinks of wolf in here.  Can you please at least try to act like your part-human Cassius?"

"Is that what you wanted, dear sister—to chew on my ass like a bone regarding my study's cleanliness?"

She ignored me but huffed loud enough to show me how pissed off she was.  "I need to find him, Cassius.  Orion said he'd help me; I won't be going alone. We can be there and back in three days... tops!"

Not this again.  I would have words with our dear brother, Orion.

My fingers were my eyes, tracing the outline of the enormous oak table in my study.  My leg brushed up against the chair.  Pulling it out, I sat down. 

"It's not up for discussion, Willa.  Until you reach your next birthday, and they return all your powers, it's not safe for you outside pack lands. You already know this."  Her heartbeat picked up speed.  In my mind, I knew her eyes would be narrowed, glaring at me.

"You're being unreasonable and stubborn, Cassius.  But unlike you, I'm not afraid."  She paused, and I knew what she would utter next.  "I know where she is too, I've seen her."

I gripped the leather arms of my chair. "We are not doing this again, Willa.  The last thing I need is a mate.  You, this pack and upholding up the traditions are my priority.  They tasked us with responsibilities Willa.  Responsibilities that require focus— sacrifice."

She bristled. "You do realize, she completes you, Cassius."

"And you realize, I'm perfectly happy the way I am."

"Are you brother?" she scoffed.   "Tell me you're happy that you are blind when you sit here in your human guise?  And don't think I haven't noticed you have spent an entire month as your wolf." 

She sighed. "I know it pains you, that you can only see when you're him, but you're risking him taking over completely. I've heard the whispers Cassius; everyone is worried for you.  And the more you give him control, you become hot-headed and—" She halted, rubbing her hands together, choosing her next words carefully.

"You're frightened, brother."

I snorted; this was new—I'd give her that. "Frightened of what, dear sister? Please be my guest and enlighten me." My mocking tone only aided in rankling her already pissed off mood.

I almost heard the snapping of her head, the burn of her eyes on me; knowing it would stretch her lips in a defiant line. She growled out her barely contained anger.

"That she won't want a mate who is blind, Cassius."

Slamming my hand on the hard, smooth wood. "Enough, Willa.  This conversation is over." My keen ears heard her mouth slam shut, and I calmed myself by resting my head in my hand, breathing deeply. 

A few moments later, her hand came to rest on my shoulder as she kissed the crown of my head.

"I know you don't want to hear this brother, but soon, you will need her and you mustn't go against what draws you to her.  She's too important to you, Cassius. And I fear the worst will need to happen for you to truly see what is right in front of you."

"You don't think I'm strong without a mate?"

"Honestly Cassius, you're the strongest wolf I've ever known, nothing holds you back or stands in your way.  The whole pack respects and adores you.  But don't deny yourself what is yours."

I hadn't told her about the dreams I'd been having... about my Dark One and how she consumed me, body and soul.  Shaking those thoughts from my head.  I stood and pulled her into my embrace, inhaling the scent that was so familiar to me, part of me.  They'd tied us together, bound us both in physical and spiritual, whether or not she liked it. 

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