Chapter 17 - Escape

Start from the beginning

"I understand if there are objections and I will not force anyone to go. Necessary personnel will stay on campus and those who are guiding the hero students to the PLE will stay with their students. All other staff is free to join in"

So they're doing it on the day of the exam huh? Basically all hero students from across the country will be under the Hero Commission's watch, which can assure their safety. After the many attacks on UA, they are starting to prioritize student safety more and more. Up until this point they almost only interacted with pro heroes, those who were already active in the field, not so much with the future generation that was still sitting behind a desk. They're changing things up, probably due to the heavy criticism they faced.

"We can not, under any circumstance, let the students know about this" Nezu stated.
"They will be told you've been called in for a mission, but nothing more. Those who remain on campus will also refrain from giving any intel until the official broadcast and report has been made"
"Looks like there is little left to discuss" Midnight pointed out.

"We need to act quickly, so I'm giving you my best suggestion" Nezu answered.
"Does everyone agree?"
There were a few mumbles and glances before everyone nodded and let out small noises of agreement.
"Good. Then we will now be selecting the pro heroes of our faculty that will be assisting in the arrest of All For One"


It was the day of the Provincial Licensing Exam. An exam Katsuki should've been a part of... He's been hanging around 1-A during lunch a lot, trying to cling onto the past, pretending he was still a hero. All that talk about training and the exam had made him feel so isolated and every time they talked about it, reality hit him in the face. He was quirkless now. No quirk, no hero, no exam, no way around it. That was the situation. It fucking sucked.

Katsuki let out a shaky breath as he dragged the small blade across his soft skin, cutting the flesh open with little to no struggle. Since 1-A wasn't in school today and his class already knows he disappears at lunch, he managed to slip back into the dorms. Majutsu sometimes ate with him, but he told her he left something back in the classroom and ditched her that way.

Her quirk was called Demonic Possession. She could take over the body of anyone she looked at, which was quite scary to think about. But it took a toll on both the victim and herself. The victim would cry blood, as a sign of possession, and she would be exhausted by the time her mind returned to her body. She also got serious headaches out of it. She admitted that she didn't tell him because she didn't want Katsuki to judge her based on her quirk.

It was quite a...villainous power, after all...

But her personality was the total opposite and it's not like she used it to hurt or toy with people. Yet Katsuki knew that didn't matter to the eyes of society. She was probably bullied when she was younger, poor thing.

He let out another small breath as he put the blade on the edge of the sink, simply watching himself bleed. It always had a grounding effect on him for some reason. Reminding him he was still human, that he was still here, still alive. Still trying to prove himself to a world that didn't want to accept him... Tears blurred his vision, mixing in with the blood as the droplets fell into the sink.

Katsuki didn't know what time it was. He hadn't bothered bringing his phone in here with him and he didn't exactly have a clock in this miserable small bathroom either. Ugh... He wiped his eyes with his other hand, letting out a small Fuck. Would they come find him if he was late to class after lunch..? Why did he have to come here and do it anyway?! He just fucked himself over even more... Ha, story of his life, am I right?

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