"Hurry up!" I shouted. He looked annoyed and he walked even slower. I groaned and hit my head on the steering weel.

                             "Babe, the light turned." I hurried stepped on the gas pedal drove off before someone honked on me. I glared at him, but he was just sitting at there playing with those flowers. But the things that really caught my eyes were a bouquet of lilies. It got red lily, white lily and a yellow lily... I thought Valentine Day only gave roses... Lily? Didn't those to the death people? What!? I pressed the break so fast that made the car shook heavily, caused Finn to hit his head on the review mirror.

                             "What in the tarnation you just stopped the car!?" He was rubbing his head.

                             "Did you hide something from me!? Did Troy d...d.di..diee..died..?" I choked on my own words and tears were rolling down my cheeks. Just saying this it hurts a lot... A hand was petting my head and suddenly it smacked my head hardly.


                             "Wake up Jessie Cameron! Do I ever lie to you? And why you have the thought of your precious died?! Did you just hit your head?" He asked.

                              "Yes..." I smiled, but earned another smack.

                              "Answer me..." He glared.

                               "I saw those lilies...and I thought they were for the death of..." But I got another smack again, but this time was at my thigh. You got the picture...

                               "First. Yes, lilies do give to death people. But same as rose! But the most popular flower you give to death people is chrysanthemum. Flowers got a lot of meanings! I bought lilies because it was for you to give Troy. Yes, the roses are mine to give him." He explained, making me more confuse.

                                "Oh My Lord babe, you should read more. Red lily means undying love, white means your pure and innocent only for him to break. You know, your V-card. Yellow means you take him as your royal king. Got it?" He explained again.

                                "Oh..Sorry.." I said and drove off again... But my...... Whatever...


                              After arriving at the hospital. Together me and Finn rushed into the door with bouquets of flowers. I didn't care everyone is watching at us. But I needed to see Troy now! I went towards the counter and saw a nurse typing whatever in her computer. She looked up and smiled, probably she saw a hot guy, me.

                               "May I help you?" She said in a flirty tone. I could see Finn is rolling his eyes.

                                "Yes, can you help me to check a patient name Troy Hex Jordan?Thanks" I said, tapping the counter top nervously.

                                 "May I ask you you are.."

                                 "Boyfriend." I said without hestitation. I didn't mind any of this, I just want to see Troy! I thought the nurse is going to make disgusting face but she just smiled and kept typing at her computer.

Me or that B!tch? Choose one will you?! (BxB) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now