cv ━━ innocent.

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Disclaimer: sexual references, minor thoughts of sexual assault + rape

Disclaimer: sexual references, minor thoughts of sexual assault + rape

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Did some things you can't speak of

· ━━━━ · ✣ · ━━━━ ·

JULY 31ST, 1998.

The date of Harry's birthday rolled around quickly, becoming a marked day on the calendar before anyone knew it. The entire day itself was spent in a lowkey manner, and his favorite present was easily the countless birthday kisses from Addy.

The Weasley's and Hermione would be arriving for dinner shortly, and Mary was busy in the kitchen while Sirius and Remus were forced to assist Kreacher in tidying the house up.

The birthday boy himself was pacing the sitting room, ranting about his previous years back before he attended Hogwarts.

There was some excitement in his eyes as he spoke, appearing eager for the day, as if he had the spirit of an eight year old. Addy was lounging on the couch as she kept her eyes upon him, and she couldn't help but grin at his behavior.

"...And I never really got any presents from the Dursleys, except for a nod of acknowledgment or something like that." Harry was saying, finally pausing his movements, "But I was used to it."

"Well, what was your favorite birthday you've ever had?" asked Addy as she leaned her head against the armrest.

"Hmm, let's see." Harry wore a thoughtful expression as he drew nearer towards the sofa, before a mischievous grin set upon his features, "What were the birthdays I spent with you?"

"Godric, you're such a flirt." Addy muttered with a roll of her eyes.

He continued to simper as he leaned over her on the couch, lowering himself in such a way where his knees pressed into the cushions on either side of her legs. His hands remained pressed against the armrest beside each of her ears, just as his eyes locked with hers.

"Well, this flirt wants another birthday kiss."

She rolled her eyes again, but allowed for her arm to outstretch upwards, grasping his tie in one quick, fluid move, and pulled him down towards her level.

His lips were warm and soft against her own, moving in slow yet agonizing ways. She could feel him grinning widely against the kiss as he lowered himself further down onto the sofa, using a hand to angle her chin upwards.

She released her grip on his tie as she winded her arms around his neck, relishing in the soothing warmth of his body pressing against hers. Her fingers absently found their way into his hair, tugging lightly at the strands of his dark hair.

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