First off ~ Twins (fluff/angst)

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The premise

° There's a first time for everything

2921 words


*This all takes place while they're both still alive*


First time you made eye contact.


Y/n slowly opened the door to her new classroom. It was her first day at her new school and she was entering her assigned classroom.

The girl could hear the sounds of her new classmates chatter as the door cracked open. She couldn't help but gulp in anticipation.

By the time y/n has fully opened the door, the entire class was staring at her as she stood in the doorway.

Y/n scanned the entire classroom quickly, her eyes stopping when she made eye contact on one individual.

A choppy haired boy that was lightly chewing on the end of his pencil eraser. He was dazing off while staring at y/n.

His eyes traced her body and slowly the pencil eraser fell out of his mouth and onto the desk under him.

Y/n smiled softly and sent the boy a small wave.

He jumped a bit when he was knocked out of his day dream but sent the girl a small wave nevertheless.

"L/n!" The teacher yelled

Y/n quickly turned towards the sensei in front of the class, realizing that he had called her name multiple times.

The boy in the back of the classroom mumbled the girl's name to himself a few times as he continued to stare at her. A pretty name for a pretty girl.

"Y-yes sensei?" Y/n asked shyly.

The teacher sighed to himself and pointed to an empty seat in the back of the class.

"Take your seat Ms. L/n, next to Tsukasa" he said.


The dark brown haired boy gently played with the bandage on his cheek as he stared down in his lap.

Suddenly, his shoulder was pushed back harshly by another boy, making him fall out of his seat and onto the ground.

"Hey fag did you even hear what I just said?" The bigger boy asked.

Amane was silent in response, not wanting to escalate the situation any more. His hand had dropped from his cheek and now was placed beside him to keep him stable.

The bully grabbed his collar and lifted him a bit off of the ground, forcing him to make eye contact with him.

"When I ask you a question.." The bully spoke.

The boy's fist reeled back and Amane stared emotionally at it, already convincing himself that the pain would not be that bad.

"You fucking answ-" the bigger boy cut himself off.


His fist was still rosen above Amane but he wasn't moving.

His grip on the smaller boy's collar loosened and Amane gently fell back onto the ground on his butt, looking up at his bully in confusion.

The older boy's mouth began to foam and he dropped into his knees, revealing a h/c haired girl behind him who held a small frying pan.

She was looking down at him in boredom.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat