Fake World ~ Hanako (fluff)

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The premise

° Hanako traps y/n in the 'perfect world'

° but y/n, being a smart little cookie, finds too many red flags in the fake world

1385 words


Y/n shuffled her feet into the familiar looking classroom. She had noticed that on her way to the class, many people had said good morning to her.

That was the first red flag.

Since she's always talking to Hanako, she was labeled as bat shit insane so students would tend to stay away from her. Her only close friends where Yashiro and Kou, the only ones who knew about Hanako. Therefore, they didn't think she was crazy.

Y/n let out a quiet yawn, her arm extending at an angle so she could use her hand to cover her mouth. She closed her eyes but continued to keep walking, not sensing any danger near her. Although, she seemed to have mis calculated her distance away from the door, as she was getting closer while her arm was still extended.

Her elbow hit the door frame as she walked in. She immediately opened her eyes and relaxed her body from its once stretched position.

She hissed as she held her elbow. The sound of her hurting herself attracted the students that were already in the classroom. 

Y/n grasped her pulsating elbow as she looked down at it. It wasn't going to leave anything more than a simple bruise but it still hurt.

The sound of a set of footsteps brought her out of her painful haze and she looked up to see an awfully familiar face not in his normal attire.

She examined him. He was wearing a school uniform and his hair was nicely combed. He actually looked alive and
y/n smiled at the thought before she quickly shook her head of it.

She was gaining false hope, he was dead and has been for longer than she's even been alive.

Although, that didn't stop her from being a little curious

She ran her fingers over the collar of his shirt, feeling its authenticity.

"Hanako if you really wanted to be a student you could have taken my place. Ill happily spend my day in the bathroom" she said giggling.

The boy titled his head at her. The fact that he wasn't laughing along with her joke made her worry. Did she say something mean?

The boy scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's Amane...did you forget my name so easily?" he taunted the shorter girl in front of him.

Now it was y/n's turn to give him a confusing look. She knew his real name was Amane but he had never referred to himself as such. She just assumed he didn't want to go by it so the sudden change was a bit of a shock to her.

That was the second red flag

"I'll call you whatever you want, Amane" she teased.

The boy gulped at her, the way his name rolled off of her tongue almost made him loose his composure.

Y/n extended her hand and put a gentle finger to his chest

"But I can see it in your eyes" she stopped and gave him a cute smile with a small chuckle
"You're still Hanako!"

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin