Give me your hand (I promise I won't break it) ~ Tsukasa (fluff)

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° Tsukasa gets grounded and misses the school dance; you stop by to check on him

2832 words

Tsukasa wasn't stupid, but he had done alot of stupid things in his life.

When he was two he got into another mom's stroller and went home with her just because, unlike his own mother, she bought name-brand juice boxes. When he was six he had convinced himself to eat an entire box of cereal to get to the prize at the bottom, when he could have just flipped the box over and gotten in the prize belly-ache free. When he was ten he triggered the sprinkler systems in the grocery store because he was thirsty and didn't want to drink from the water fountain.

And now, as a thirteen year old, Tsukasa had put old Halloween candies in the showerheads in the boys locker room; of course, he got caught after the teacher's realized that every single boy-besides him-was covered in a layer of sticky syrup after showering.

This little stunt was the one that got him temporality suspended for a week and grounded for an entire month.

And of course, he just had to get himself in trouble the day before the school dance.

Now what were you supposed to do? Go alone? The only reason you wanted to go to that stupid dance in the first place was because both you and Tsukasa were going to spray Kool-aid from above and stain everyone's outfits.

So now you were just expected to go to the dance and...what? dance? Despite how absolutely boring that sounded you couldn't just not go. Your mother had already bought your ticket and dress. It would have been real suspicious that you didn't want to go the second Tsukasa got suspended.

You might have been best friends but he was known as the biggest troublemaker in school. You were just like his little assistant who, unlike him, never got caught. And you'd like to keep it that way.

So when your mother dropped you off at the dance you awkwardly shuffled inside, spent about half an hour there, and then realized your brain was basically melting from all of the teenage hormones packed together in one room like sardines. So you snuck out of the dance-dress and all-and walked over to Tsukasa's house which was luckily just a street over.

You didn't see any cars in the driveway and remembered that Tsukasa's parents were actually some of the adults that supervised the event. (Now you're starting to realize why Tsukasa wanted to do that Kool-aid prank so bad)

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now