//PART TWO// Little Terror ~ Hanako (fluff/angst)

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The premise

° little y/n gets more than she bargained for during a game of hide and seek

° luckily, Hanako is there to make sure nothing happens to the girl

3507 words


"One...two....three.." The little girl said, her eyes squenched tight as she held her hands over them as an extra layer of protection.

"Four...five...s-...seven?" Y/n said, her numbers coming out more as a question.

A brief silence encompassed her and after a few seconds the girl gasped in realization and began to happily stomp her small feet against the tiled floor under her.

"Six!" She said, happy that she could remember.

Y/n was currently tasked with counting to ten with her eyes closed so she could play her first game of hide and seek.

Hanako had been teaching her how to count to ten the entire morning so he was hoping this game would help get it stuck in her head.

The two were in the third floor girl's bathroom. Y/n's face was against one of the stalls and Hanako sat on one of the sinks, staring at her back as he watch her count.

"S-seven...ate...nin-...nine!" The girl said to herself.

The appirition found it incredibly adorable but he knew for the sake of the game he had to keep his mouth shut.

"Ten!" Y/n yelled happily.

In one swift motion y/n dropped her hands from her eyes and turned around, quickly noticing her ghost friend sitting on one of the sinks.

Normally, this would be considered 'going easy' on the seeker since the hider was directly behind them.

But Hanako had to remember that y/n was two, which he found out by listening in to a few of her dad's conversations days prior.

So to y/n, Hanako wasn't going easy on her at all.

The girl giggled and let out a small squeal and grabbed ahold of the boy's pants leg which was dangling close to her face.

"Got chu!" The girl said, smiling up at the spirit and showing her many baby teeth.

Hanako playfully gasped and dropped down from the sink, landing on his feet in front of y/n. He crouched down to become eye contact with the h/c haired girl.

"You're too good" he said sighing, pretending to be dissapointed by losing the game.

Y/n happily giggled at his expression, happy that she was the victor.

"Again!?" Y/n yelled eccentrically, letting her small body shaking in exictment.

Hanako placed one of his hands on her head, stopping her movements. He leaned forward and bit, an amused smile resting on his lips.

"Okay, we'll play again" he said, standing up and turing his back towards the girl.

Y/n tilted her head a bit, confused at his actions.

"One..." The boy spoke slowly.

Y/n's head perked up as she realized that he wanted her to hide. Y/n clasped her hands together in fists and looked throughout the bathroom.

Y/n's eyes darted towards the bathroom door.


Hanako had never said not to leave the bathroom.

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