Pompoms and plushies ~ Twins (fluff)

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° In which two soccer players get protective over an innocently cute cheerleader.

4084 words


The Yugi twins were, from adolescence, excellent soccer players-taking to it with the same prowess as they took to most physical activities-but even they were unfamiliar with the games rules, the time of day, shit- how to breathe, even, whenever you stepped up center field.

Cheerleaders naturally collected attention like one would coins. What with the flashy pompoms, revealing uniforms, megaphones... what teenage boy wouldn't offer them a glance or two?

Or rather, when it came to you, five... or ten... who was counting, really?

You were the centerpiece of the cheerleading squad-with those big bows in your hair and that bright smile. You were the little gem that everyone respectfully agreed needed to be protected at all costs. Your innocence was still untarnished and everyone around you planned to keep it that way.
The other cheerleader's covered your ears whenever someone cursed and the soccer player's would threaten anyone who tried to hit on you (despite all of them at some point admitting to hitting on you one way or another.) The athletic department even splurged and bought you a pair of noise cancelling headphones to wear to the soccer games-you know, the ones given to toddlers at loud concerts. You just happened to complain once about the noise and suddenly half of the soccer team refused to play a game until you got them.

This away game was going about the same as usual.

Away games were common. The Kamome Academy soccer team was currently undefeated. They were so good that they'd often have to travel hours away just to find competition among new schools. The cheerleaders, as well as the band, went with them of course, but they all traveled in separate buses.

By the time your bus had arrived the soccer players were already unloading their gear.
And, just like always, when the cheerleaders arrived you were the first off of the bus the second the doors opened.
Your coach reached out to you briefly but then realized it was a lost cause to call you back to the team, you'd just sneak back over to the boy's anyway. Well, two boys in particular.

"Yugi! Yugi!"

On an unrelated note, you always referred to the twins as 'Yugi' when they were together so neither of them knew what order you were referring to them in. But Amane liked to assume (and maybe argued once or twice with his brother over) that he was the one you called out to first. But of course, Tsukasa is petty and was always willing to bet that he was the one who's name you called first.

The twins turned towards your voice, already expecting you. They caught glimpse your wide smile when your eyes locked for a brief second.

The two of them were in the process of carrying a heavy looking duffle bag, probably filled with the ball pumps, to the field.
Flurries of embarrassment fluttered inside of their guts as they desperately tried not to look weak in front you. Despite their efforts they still, quite literally, fumbled the bag and struggled to carry it.

"Here! Here! Let me help!" You yelled at if you weren't still yards away. The dozen of other players, all closer to you than the twins, turned in hopes that they were the ones you were talking to.

They never were, but hey, one could dream.

By the time you actually made it to the twins they were already dropping the bag in the spot it needed to be. But Amane caught the frown on your face when you realized you were to late and he kicked Tsukasa in the shin to get his attention. They ended up picking the bag back up just so you could help them move it over a few more feet. Just like them, you weren't very strong so that few feet felt like a few meters.
And by the time the three of you dropped it, you had the proudest little smile on your face and the boys knew their shaky arms were worth it.

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