Chapter 98: Do something...!

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I'll deal with this. I'll make sure they know what idiots they're being at the moment.

"Huh? Why would I do that?!"

"Why wouldn't you? I mean, you're the son of that Endeavour!"

"What the hell's been wrong with you this whole time?! My old man has nothing to do with it—"

Todoroki's voice died out as he was suddenly hit with cement from one of the villain's "Cement Guns."

"This is outrageous! I can't believe you two would just start arguing here."

I agreed. I was ready to scream at them.

But first... I'll deal with those villains.

Todoroki shot up a wall of ice, and I stretched out my quirk, dragging up emotions of drowsiness to send to them.

"What do you mean, it has nothing to do with him? It definitely does! To me, heroes are passionate! With their passionate hearts, they bring hope and inspiration to people! Their passion comes through! That's why it was a shock! Because nothing came through in those eyes except a cold, cold anger! And then, at the entrance exam, I saw you, and I knew who you were immediately. Because you... had the exact same eyes!"

I don't know what to think of this...

"The same...? That's ridiculous. I'm not the same as him."

"What are you doing with a villain in front of you?" Gang Orca spoke to deaf ears.

"You and your dad are the only heroes I won't accept no matter what!" Inasa raised his hand, "The end!"

They did it again! They interfered with each other's attacks! I've had about enough of this...

"Again?! You really are..."

The wind sent the flames rushing to where I stood beside Shindo.

In a hurry, I hoisted Shindo up, pulling my cloak around the two of us to protect against the flames. The fabric was supposed to be resistant to heat and fire.

The flames cleared, and I dropped Shindo unceremoniously to the ground. He stopped himself from falling.

I was so distracted that I didn't notice he was awake.

He looked ready to spit some angry words, but I ignored him, setting my eyes on the two hero students ahead of me.

"What the actual fuck do you two think you're doing!" I roared. "There are so many people you could be putting in danger right now, purely because of you stupid testosterone and whatever feud you two have! Give it a rest, and do your damn job you bastards!"

They froze.

There was an odd silence.

Gang Orca took advantage of the silence, sending his quirk towards Inasa.

He screamed, and the villains cheered. He lost control of his wind currents, plummeting to the ground.

Gang Orca grabbed Todoroki, using his quirk to make him collapse.

Do something... do something...!

"Memory Lane: Pain!"

My quirk shot out, and I carefully tested who was a villain or not, before drawing up the memories that would incapacitate any of them that were too close.

Almost immediately, my Agonmeter made an insistent beep.

My headache began to pound, and I almost didn't notice the wind that swept up. I was ready to drop, but luckily, Shindo was there to help me remain standing.

He then curled his lip at me, but said nothing to explain how he was awake.

The tendrils of pain felt like they were curling deep in my skull, and I dropped my head against Shindo with a groan.

"You're a fool," He snarled.

"That doesn't change the fact that we'll need to help them...!"

I trailed off as a pillar of wind and flames grew up in a column around Gang Orca.

I shakily pulled myself off him. "Shindo!"

"I've got it!"

He sent his quirk through the earth, upsetting the paths of remaining villains to break them up, and other hero students began helping take them out.

I could barely concentrate, but I could still use my quirk without damaging myself as I began to fight the villains that were farther away, my Agonmeter beeping at intervals to warn me.

Then there was the buzzer, signalling the end of the exercise. "Um, at this moment, all the HUC who were deployed have been rescued from the danger zone. It may seem arbitrary, but with this, all the provisional licensing exam procedures have been completed. After we tally the scores, we will announce the results here. Those who were injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you should change and then stand by. "

It's another one!

Did you pass? Did you fail?

Who knows???

(I~ do~)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Till next time, bai Marshmalløws!


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