Happy And Free

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Harry POV

I took a huge gasp of air as soon as I got to the surface of the water, this... crystal blue water. I looked up... at the clear and sunny sky... I've never seen anything like it!

I tread water and looked around for a second as Uma came up for air too, behind me... the barrier was behind me for the first time in my life! I looked forward again and saw that world over the water that always looked so impossible, now it's in reach... I could barely believe it, Uma did something actually good for once! She actually brought me with her to jump through the barrier last minute right before it shut... well good job Uma, ya did something relatively good. I looked around in shock, I even looked down into those crystal waters, it was truly breathtaking...

"Harry! Aye, have you been listening to a word I've been saying?"

Oh, the normal Uma's back, joy... I was beginning to think she had either gone soft or become sane. I looked over to her as she tread the water too to stay afloat,


She took a long sigh before rolling her eyes at me and gesturing to me to follow her, her elaborate little outfit of hers was obviously weighing her down which I thought was a little funny. She had a book of sorts in her hand but I didn't care enough to look closer at that,

"Come on, we gotta get to shore before someone sees us!"

Uma began swimming off so I had no choice but to follow, for now. As soon as I have the chance, I would love to break away from her... maybe I could find Elena somewhere... that is if she actually wants to see me. I sure hope she does... I sure hope she's alright too.

She was coughing pretty badly in the smoke back there so I hope she's alright, oh gods and the poor lass was practically suffocating before I cut her loose... I could tell she was having a bit of a panic attack too but I was afraid Uma would hurt her if I tried to calm her down and she saw... so I was forced to shove her into Jay when I saw his silhouette. She could barely walk, yeah the air quality was bad but it wasn't terrible to see in despite the fact that she closed her eyes.

I think she just got spooked, and for being nearly suffocated in that wretched smoke I don't blame her. Gods... I'm just hoping she doesn't hate me. I mean... judging by how she handled Jay nearly beheading me I know she's at least okay... and.... those are her powers huh? Who knows what else she can do... but she turned a full sword into pure ice underneath her grip... absolutely remarkable, it's hard to wrap my head around that's for sure.

I am still rather stunned from that moment, she didn't just do that... she saved my life with it too.

I sure hope I can see her soon, I have a pretty lengthy thank ya to give her. She didn't just save my life, but once again she made me feel so much... better. Calling herself a monster because of her powers to make me feel less alone was... gods it was just plain sweet of her! Then there was how she touched the scar on the back of my neck so gently... she is truly a ray of absolute pure sunshine.

Now the next time I see her, I'm gonna have to tell her that she is absolutely not a monster, I've never seen magic like hers before and frankly... it's nothing but beautiful and I only saw one of the possibly thousands of things she can do!

I couldn't stop thinking about her the entire swim towards Auradon, I just kept thinking about getting there, and she was my main motivation to keep swimming. The swim was long and tiresome, but once we pulled ourselves up onto those beautiful sandy beaches, I felt that it was very much worth it. We had to move fast to duck for cover to make sure no one saw us, but my gods... it is absolutely gorgeous here. Everything is just... flourishing! All the flowers, the trees, the green grassy lawns, even the water and the sky look different! This is what I imagined the afterlife to look like, not real life!

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