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Elena POV

I began quickly following my path back to the hideout, watching my back intently as I did. Especially because Nokk saw something behind me when I wasn't looking, he might've saved me from a possible attack by looking out for me like that. So now I was simply watching my own back while I followed the trail of snow I made for myself, tightly clenching my glove in one hand as I kept one hand exposed just in case I needed to defend myself.

I jumped and whipped my head around as I swore I heard another set of footsteps behind me, a harsh gasp escaping my lips as I did. No one was there, luckily.

I slowly turned back around and continued onward through the thick fog that has drifted in from the sea, the sense of someone watching me was stronger than ever. I was starting to really regret wandering off, because I'm truly feeling petrified.

The unpleasant air mixed with the slight sense of dread was nearly overwhelming for me, the fact that I swear there's someone behind me every time I turn back around is torturous, and whoever is looking at me from the dark shadows sure is looking at me intensely. I felt like eyes that I couldn't see were looking at me all over, so I tried to cover myself up a little with my arms. It didn't help that much, even the slightest sound still made me jump. My breathing was becoming uneven, my skin was starting to crawl.

Suddenly out of one of the side alleyways I was walking past came a big figure compared to I. I immediately assumed the worst as the character has a terrifying shadow. I felt my adrenaline spike, my magic nearly causing a rouge ice shot to blast from my uncovered hands! I was mortified, absolutely mortified! I jumped back and had to really swallow a slight scream as my fear got the best of me, the stranger bumped into me and paused as they slowly turned to me, the moonlight hit his sharp and cold features and made me shiver a little,

"Well well well, what do we have 'ere? What is miss doe eyes doing out all alone in the middle of the night?"

I took a very brief sigh of relief as at least I know who this is, but Harry is still barely a stranger to me. I avoided his gaze and tried to walk past but he stopped me by physically blocking my path,

"Ah ah, not so fast doe eyes, I want an explanation as ta why yer out so late... not ta mention... alone"

He said in a tone I very much didn't like. Mal isn't here to help me out of this one and that reality is very slowly sinking in. I gulped and looked up at him with an attempt of not looking so scared and said with the confidence I could muster,

"Is it a crime to take a walk in the middle of the night?"

He hummed and slowly seemed to scan me up and down, I feel like I could feel his gaze as he seemed to inspect every part of me. He then met my eyes again and tilted his head at me,

"No, but it can be a death sentence 'ere ya know. All it takes is one person stronger than ye are and guess what?"

I rolled my shoulders a little as I tried to calm myself down and sighed as I put my hands on my hips, keeping my bare hand ready for the worst,


He suddenly brought his eye level down to mine and got in my face a little just so he could bring up his hook and caress my cheek with the round edge of the cold metal again. It was a familiar feeling which seemed to actually calm me down beside the fact that now I'm a little trapped as his hook is so close to me and he's leaning so close,

"They'd nick ya, take ya away, swipe ya right off the streets, and guess what doe eyes?"

He was saying all of this so calmly, I think that's what was scaring me so badly. I took a shaky breath and backed up barely a step before my back was against the wall, his hook followed my cheek without a problem,

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