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Elena POV

"But what if I say something stupid? What if I'm walking up to her and I trip and fall on my face or something?! There are so many things that could go wrong Elle, so many things!"

You'd think we would've just begun this conversation, but nope.

I've been here for thirty minutes, thirty minutes of this.

I sighed and looked at Carlos who had his dog Dude in his lap and was quickly petting him with a lot of anxiety attached. I took a good long stare at Carlos to let him have a moment to breathe, he's been rambling about everything that could go wrong with asking, and we've confirmed it's Jane, out to cotillion. I get it to a point, but this seems a little intense. I crisscrossed my legs as I had sat on the end of his bed while Carlos was pacing a little, then a few minutes ago I got him to sit down which is when he began petting Dude impulsively,

"Carlos, have you ever tried thinking of what could go right instead of what could go wrong?"

Was all I said, I love helping people but this has grown tedious rather quickly to be honest. He looked over to me and thought for a moment or two before beginning to slow down his anxious petting of Dude,

"Actually... not really"

Oh gee, he is going to be a tougher case than I thought. I gave him a long sigh with a smile and casually rolled my eyes,

"For starters, I would try that because you are starting to stress me out too, and I don't get stressed out easily"

Carlos got a little bit of a laugh going as we both seemed to hear the same sudden noises from right outside the hallway. Suddenly we heard a pair of frantic footsteps, then the door was swung open and in burst Mal with a slightly terrified expression on her face. She ran in and slammed the door behind her as the sounds in the hallway got closer, but she slammed her body against the door as if an angry mob were outside and locked the door.

The yelling of her name kinda made it sound like there was a mob out there. She looked dreadful, absolutely dreadful! Carlos and I had the TV on in the background, but not for long as Mal ran to the remote and quickly shut it off as a rerun of the story from earlier today played. I was just about to ask her what was going on when suddenly she broke into pacing, then it happened again.

Mal was forced to stop as she shut her eyes ever so tightly, her body stiffened to a terrifying degree. Her eyes were forced open with what looked like a tremendous force, that terrifying bright green was back! I jumped back a little as she shook for a moment before being able to shut her eyes and bring herself back down. I jumped up from sitting and walked over to her cautiously,

"Mal? Are you alright?"

I said with quite a bit of worry, she groaned and slowly opened up her eyes. Her normal, less intense green eyes looked back at me with panic that I couldn't help but sympathize with. I put my hands on her shoulders and just let them lay there for a moment, her eyes calmed down a little at the bit of reassurance and were able to take a deep breath,

"Paparazzi... the press... followed me all the way here"

Was all she muttered. I sighed and gave her a sad smile as she truly looked like a deer in headlights still,

"I'm sorry Mal, I wish I could help"

She smiled a little and put her hands over my gloved ones for a moment, I could feel Carlos's eyes but I didn't care. My friend was in distress, I had to help, it's what I do! She looked at the ground for a moment and muttered,

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