Cotillion (Part Two)

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Third Person

The rushing bubbling up of the waters below made for quite the ominous scene. However, Elena and Harry didn't even notice. They were on the other side of the ship only watching the reactions of the people looking over the edge, but Elena had a really bad feeling about this. Suddenly out of the bubbling waters below emerged a wicked creature with wicked deeds to be done.

The water began whirling around similar to a hurricane, the once clear sky filled with dark clouds, lightning and thunder struck the sky. Harry didn't like thunder or lighting either, the large flashes of light and the crashing sound of thunder startled him all too easy. That wasn't all Uma had in store for her old first mate.

The whirlwind of water grew higher and higher into the air until suddenly Uma came crashing out of the water with a growling fury, the water burst from the whirlwind and showered the deck in a wave of water. Harry's eyes shot up and out of pure fear he pulled Elena into him and wrapped his arms around her tight, not even caring that the two of them were absolutely soaked. She gasped a little bit at the sudden movement but allowed it, he was scared and she knew it. Elena looked up from Harry's tight grip and was taken by pure shock. Uma had turned into a giant half-human half-octopus creature, Elena didn't even know that her mother was this way so the shock was even larger for her. As for Harry, he was taken purely by despair.

Harry stared up at Uma as she cackled a maniacal cackle and knew right then he was in trouble. Uma was beyond pissed off, and with her tentacles, she already began cracking them in the air to mimic the sound of a whip just for him. Harry shuddered and flinched at every sound, already beginning to panic all over again. Elena couldn't even get her eyes off of the beast-like creature Uma had turned into, it was unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life. Uma's eyes slowly landed back on Harry, a sinister gleam in her eye as she thought an evil thought,

"All I have to do is hurt her... the perfect leverage and the perfect weakness"

Uma cackled to herself as she believed she could still get Harry back as her slave, all she had to do was threaten Elena and he'd be right back on her side for Elena's safety. Therefore, with one growly scream and a powerful lash of her tentacle, Uma aimed right for Elena and intended on either hurting her severely or taking her away from him. Suddenly, Harry's fear switched from himself to Elena as the world began moving in slow motion.

For the first time in his life, Harry willingly quickly spun around as Uma was planning on striking Elena and ducked for cover. Elena screamed as Harry forced the two of them onto the ground, he felt the sting of Uma's tentacle hit him in the back but suddenly couldn't care less. He simply wanted to protect her, that's all he was thinking of and all he cared about. He seethed as the sting hit past wounds, but the adrenaline of the moment hushed the pain.

Elena was stunned, she knew how scared Harry was and yet he just took a lash for her. She looked up at him as he had landed on top of her and felt a little eruption of butterflies fly right into her stomach, but she didn't exactly know what it was. She looked up at him and got a little smile back to her, but unfortunately, she had no time to smile brighter or even process the feelings she was feeling. Uma was furious that was for sure, another tentacle was fast flying towards the two as the rest of the crowd dispersed and screams filled the air.

Elena heard nothing as Harry sat up from being directly on top of Elena and looked down at her, the hat that concealed his identity had been long forgotten, but Elena saw out of the corner of her eye the tentacle ripping through the air right at them. Without breaking eye contact Elena slipped off and discarded her gloves, then she ripped her gaze from Harry's and looked at the tentacle right about to come down on both of them and shot one of her hands out, an icy blast shooting from her palm and striking Uma right in the tentacle. She shrieked at the sudden feeling of a sharp cold penetrate through the skin, meanwhile Harry's eyes widened and turned to watch the ice blast hit her. He slowly turned back to Elena with a dropped jaw as Elena awkwardly smiled at him, but they still didn't have the time to simply stare at each other.

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