An Idea

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Harry POV

Well... that was a wee bit more eventful than anticipated aye? At least it didn't get too out of hand... thanks ta Ellie that is of course. I swear ta the gods... she has her little quirks but the guts she has in situations like that is absolutely honor-worthy in my opinion. I got... I got rather freaked out if I'm being honest... those steely blue eyes are just... chilling ta even look at. Not ta mention... I haven't seen my dad in years and yet he still scares me quite a bit, but... but I know I'm alright now... he can't hurt me anymore.

I smiled a bit at the thought alone, just being able to know I'm okay is priceless. I peered down at Elena as we walked and I thought, simply taking a moment to be grateful for the amazing lassie who's helped me so much. I mean come on, she handled the entire thing back there! Not just for me either, for the crew too. Her heart is just so wonderful... so so wonderful indeed.

It just reminds me of how badly I wanna let her know how much I love her... and now I have ta find something ta do with that without letting her know the reason why.

She looked around the ship with great interest, for that's something else about her I love, she has the same interest in ships that I have. She took me down to the Arendelle docks one day during our vacation and actually showed me how much she knows, expressing her love of wanting to explore the seas one day. Ya see why I think she's genuinely the person for me now? I mean hell, she wants ta sail around and explore the world as do I. She likes the Lost Revenge because it's a pirate ship as she's never seen one of those, but even she has said how rough the place is, especially now that it hasn't had the best care in a little bit.

We walked onto the deck and straight to the cabins below the deck, already Elena perked up and tilted her head to the right as if she had heard something. She rubbed her ear a bit and looked around as we made it to the bottom,

"What is it love? Something bothering yer ears?"

She nodded a bit and looked around the room a bit. We were in the main room of sorts with halls leading to the cellar and the rooms along with the community bunk area, so I looked around and down a few of the halls but couldn't see anything yet, but Elena pointed down the hall we were already gonna head down,

"I think it's that way, it's just annoying me!"

She lightly exclaimed as she took my hand and began marching that way, tugging me along with her which I didn't mind. She rounded the corner and locked her eyes on the culprit, a little leak in the ship that had a bucket catching the excess water, she sighed and looked up at me as she paused,

"Dripping water always gets to me for some reason, might as well give it a fix"

Elena quickly flicked her wrist and out shot a shimmering bit of ice that upon impact spread over the leak and actively stopped it. She hummed in delight and dusted her hands off, all as I took a little sigh as it's just so effortless for her.. it truly boggles my mind,

"That'll do for now I reckon! My ice doesn't melt that easy, so hopefully that'll help the poor ship out for a bit. It's a real shame it's stuck in here, I know so many people back in Arendelle that I bet could fix this place up"

Oh that would be wonderful, being able ta inherit a ship that's actually in good shape that is. Technically the Lost Revenge is my ship, it's under the Hook name and my dad surrendered it to the crew, so I'll take the authority of saying it's mine,

"That would be good... I've always wanted ta sail around on this ship, the poor thing is practically rotting away"

I said as I began leading Elena to my old cabin, she skipped alongside me as her big doe eyes darted around as I could tell she wanted to take it all in,

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