The Attack

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Elena POV

I casually braided my hair just like I always like it as I watched Gil do some writing practice for today, we're gonna stick to writing for today as he is easily distracted just as Harry said. I've had to rein his attention back to what we were doing a few times already, but now that he's actually doing something I think he's having an easier time sticking to it which is good! He's learning rather quickly too, I doubt we're gonna need to tutor him for long just because he's obviously a quick learner!

No matter how good he was doing though... my brain kept going back to what Mal had told us about the scepter and the crown and all that. It was making my head hurt... thinking about that scepter more than anything that is. The crown was one thing... but the sound of that scepter was ringing in my head over and over... the dangers of it and who might have it now were becoming a little too much bear all by myself. I at least wish I could tell Harry about it, that would make me feel so much better... having to wonder and worry on my own is starting to hurt my head all by itself.

Anyway, I had Gil just tracing over letters I had written out, simple print that he could go over as many times as he needed before he could write them on his own without the template. He's gotten the more simplistic letters down, now he's just working on the more complex ones per se. I braided my hair over onto my shoulder as I like it and secured it with an elastic as I simply watched him go through the letters, slow and steady so he could get the hang of things. I watched as he did a lowercase "q" with ease, making me smile as he's progressing so much already,

"Nice job there, I reckon it won't take you much longer before you're writing full sentences!"

I quietly chirped as we are in the library after all, it's the calmest place I could think of where Gil could really concentrate with ease of course. Gil looked up at me with a toothy grin as he dropped the pencil to flick his hand around a bit,

"Thanks Elena, it kinda makes my hand hurt a bit you know? And... how am I supposed to write full sentences without knowing what I'm actually writing?"

I smiled a bit and turned around to my backpack which I hung off the back of the chair and pulled out a small book, the only one that could fit in my rather small backpack. I turned back around and put it on the table,

"Well Harry will be working with you for reading tomorrow, but I think you could copy sentences from books like this for a good while then read them back or something like that! How does that sound?"

Gil smiled even bigger and looked at the book I had brought out, it was one of the books Harry had brought to me since he thought I would like it and boy do I love it! He knows me too well, I'm almost done reading it already that's how much I love it! So of course I carry it around with me everywhere, I love reading it whenever I have the chance!

"What's it about?"

Gil curiously asked, I immediately blossomed into a smile as I could only remember that Harry was the one who gave it to me for a moment! I took a long sigh and gently ran one hand over the cover,

"Harry gave it to me to read since he thought I'd like it and boy was he right... it's about a princess who falls in love with a guy she technically shouldn't because he's considered a delinquent of sorts, he's even supposed to help some of the other delinquents take over her kingdom as she's destined to be Queen, but he falls in love with her too! Gosh... I sure hope he chooses his love for her in the end over all that bad stuff, if he doesn't I may be slightly heartbroken about that"

I casually gushed for a moment as I looked over the cover, Gil hummed a bit before chuckling some,

"Harry recommended it huh? He must have really changed since the last time I saw him if he's recommending books"

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