What Could Go Wrong?

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Third Person

Elsa rushed into the sitting room where Anna and Kristoff were sitting peacefully enjoying their morning before they were all set to head down to breakfast. Elsa burst into the room with a stumble and huffing and puffing as she had ran all the way down here after going to wake Elena and Harry up only to find the two in a much more intimate position than ever before. Anna and Kristoff looked up at the huffing and puffing Elsa and looked in confusion before she looked up and held both her hands up to measure a small distance between her hands,

"Faces this close together! He had his shirt off! They were practically on top of each other this time!"

Elsa said as she huffed and puffed. Anna got this excited sort of look about her, eyes big with a wide smile on her lips as she looked at Kristoff before clapping a few times and looking up at her sister,

"Oh progress! Good progress indeed! Goodness just wait until they figure out they're both in love with each other"

Anna said with a giddy little giggle. Elsa took a long sigh and stared into nothing for a long time,

"I'm happy that she has feelings for this boy but... I'm not ready for my little girl to have a boyfriend whatsoever"

Kristoff took a long sigh and looked over to Anna with a smile,

"This is the exact reason why I'm glad we haven't had a kid, I'd just spend all my time worrying about them. Being the cool uncle is so much better"

Anna snorted and gave him a funny look, one that put him off ever so slightly. Elsa looked over to her sister as she teasingly put a hand over her stomach,

"Haven't had a kid... yet"

Kristoff gave her a "are you serious?" look as Elsa suddenly got a little taken aback as Anna looked between them with a hand on her stomach. She suddenly swatted her hand and chuckled,

"Just kidding! Your faces are hilarious...... or am I kidding?"

Anna said with a snarky laugh after Kristoff took a major breath of relief only for him to suck it back. Elsa chuckled and slowly shook her head,

"Anna you're ridiculous..... anyway... it'll just be strange to think about, my little girl getting into a romantic relationship and all that is. What if he breaks her heart or something?"

Anna slowly stood up and casually walked on over to her sister with a smile before putting her hands on her shoulders,

"Well that's just part of it Elsa, if it happens it happens! But I doubt Harry would do that to her anyway, if he loves her true then he won't anyway!"

Elsa sighed and began to nod a little bit, suddenly she got this utterly terrified look about her which put Anna off quite a bit,

"I've never had the talk with her... oh my gods I've sent my little girl into the world of romance without telling her how sex works!"

Anna burst into laughter and folded over as Kristoff even chuckled, all as Elsa looked on in shock and horror of herself,

"Oh Elsa, well I guess there's still time!"

Anna wheezed out before stumbling over to the couch and falling into her husband's lap. Elsa ran her hands through her hair and slowly began to pace before starting out the door,

"I'm gonna go wrap up breakfast and contemplate my parenting, how could I have forgotten to give her the talk of all things?!"

Anna only wheezed louder and nodded some as Kristoff held her steady and rocked back and forth as he helped Anna get her breath back under her.

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