New Journey (Part One)

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Elena POV

Harry and I approached the shore hand in hand, as soon as I saw the water I went ahead and called Nokk since I wanna get going already! I'm just excited to go on our little adventure and wanna get on with it that's all! Nokk came springing out of the water with purpose just as Harry and I got to the shore. Nokk pranced around a little bit which made Harry chuckle quite a bit as he tossed his head around and everything,

"Hey Nokki! Wanna go for a little adventure today?"

I asked, Nokk happily shook his head up and down before taking a pause once I got closer. I watched him slowly lower his head and began poking my jacket pocket with his nose for whatever reason, suddenly little Bruni simply sprung out of my pocket which spooked Nokk a little bit and even got me as I haven't seen him in a little while! Normally when we're home like this he goes free-range and explores as he pleases so I haven't been worried,

"Bruni! You sneaky little thing I didn't know you were in there!"

I said as Harry peered down and chuckled a bit at the salamander's happy little appearance. I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes and shook my head,

"Goodness, anyway it looks like we're all going on an adventure huh? Well Nokk, it's a land adventure~"

I playfully sang with a smile. I slowly slipped away from Harry just to go up to Nokk for a moment. He contently put his head down and pressed his head against me, I leaned my head on his with a little giggle before giving his neck a single stroke. Upon my touch, he was slowly turned to ice. Nokk stood still for the complete transformation before gently taking his face away from me and springing into a trot onto land right as the ice reached his hooves. His mane glistened and turned into icy snowflakes, his full tail did the same and dragged behind him as he pranced onto the shore. The first thing he did was trot on over to Harry to give him a playful little shove with his nose,

"Ello ta ye too buddy"

Harry said with a little chuckle as Nokk let him scratch his neck a little bit, it was heartwarming to see Harry so easily finding a friend in Nokk now that he's processed the fact that Nokk is indeed a real being and all that! Nokk whinnied and prances around some, holding his head high and practically floating with his prance. I playfully rolled my eyes at his exuberance to be on land and walked back over to Harry,

"He sure seems bright and happy today"

Harry said with a chuckle as he watched Nokk prance about some more, I casually sighed with a smile and shrugged,

"He gets extra excited when we go on land, I think he likes the obstacles and different terrain. He really likes to jump so it would make sense for him to like coming on land, he gets to do something different!"

Nokk finally brought his prancing down to a minimum and walked back over to us with a snort of confidence and playfully pushed Harry's shoulder. Harry chuckled and turned to him and playfully pushed his nose back, only to have Nokk bump his shoulder harder with his nose, these two are just hilarious! I giggled as I watched the two playfully shove each other back and forth a little bit,

"Alright alright you two, shall we get going or are we gonna play fight all day?"

Harry chuckled as Nokk simply pawed once to show that he wanted to go. I nodded once and Nokk went ahead and knelt down in his sort of bow formation to let Harry on, I helped Harry get on and stay on as Nokk stood up before putting his neck down since that's the only way I can really get on without kicking Harry in the face which is definitely not what we want. I climbed onto his neck and he easily lifted it back up, a bit quicker than last time which made me slide back right into Harry which I didn't mind one bit.

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