Family Day

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Elena POV

I quickly threw myself together with the utmost haste purely out of excitement, why am I so excited you ask? Well... today is Family Day!

It wasn't too long ago when Harry and I got back from Arendelle, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss my mom already. My aunt and uncle won't be able to make it because they have to continue ruling Arendelle and all, but I am simply more than content with seeing my mom again! I think even Harry's excited, just because he doesn't have any true family per se doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy hanging out with mine. If anything he feels more at home around my family, so of course he's excited to see my mom too!

I decided to wear a nice and simple light blue dress with some relatively poofy long sleeves. It wasn't intensely poofy, but just enough to give my arms room to breathe. It then cinched around the waist and hung to about my mid-thigh, a rather simplistic dress but it sure is pretty! I then put on my white Mary Jane's and braided my hair just as I like it before calling that more than good!

While I was getting dressed, Harry was putting on his casual look as well. He sure does like black and red together, quite a contrast from what I like but I think it's fun! He was putting on a basic black t-shirt after he had put on his black slightly worn pants and black shoes. Of course he has his black belt and his very large assortment of rings always adorning his fingers, and as the finishing touch he had laid out a rather basic but also worn red leather jacket of his. I swear he has an infinite number of black and red leather jackets, I have no clue where they all come from!

Anyway, we were both moving with quite a bit of haste since we wanna hurry up and get down to the garden where Family Day is actually being held and all, so when we both got finished getting ready at once I thought the speedy getting ready technique had worked like a charm! I was simply all smiles as I simply can't wait to see my mom again!

"Almost ready ta go love? Ye sure do look rather excited"

Harry casually spoke as he popped the collar to his jacket and looked my way, swiping his hook up and latching it onto his belt right after. I swept my braid onto my right shoulder and happily nodded before skipping on over to him,

"Mhm! I'm just happy to see my mama again that's all"

Harry chuckled a hearty chuckle and casually draped his arm around my shoulder as he does and began leading us both to the door, all while I was excitedly bubbling the entire time! Harry led us out into the hallway and locked the dorm room after us as he spoke,

"I'm sure ya are, even I'm kinda excited. Yer mom is just really pleasant, besides, she makes me feel like I'm actually kinda a part of yer family and that just feels wonderful"

Aww that is wonderful! I giggled a bit and happily leaned into Harry a bit as we started walking off towards the garden where Family Day was being held. I'm kinda interested to talk to some new people as well, some of my friend's parents that is. I know the VKs won't have any of their parents or family coming for obvious reasons but that's okay! From what I've heard, the parents of whoever is friends with the VKs are always rather happy to stick around them, for example, my mom likes to stick around Harry and hey Harry feels rather comfortable in her presence so it all works out!

I'm sure Harry would've been more than comfortable with my dad though, they are alike in a lot of different ways so that would've been fun to see. Unfortunately, that's never gonna happen..... but I'm not gonna focus on that right now! Instead, I'll just focus on being excited to see my mom of course!

We got down to the garden, decorated with fun little decorations for Family Day just as some of the family members began to arrive. All of them had a guard as an escort which I've always thought is funny, at all of these events the guards are the escorts and yet... why? It's not like there's any actual danger present or something! I've always thought it to be rather silly, but maybe that's just me!

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