Consoling Her

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Third Person

Harry held Elena close as Gale flew the two of them back up through her bedroom window. Harry hadn't let go of Elena for one second since he found her and wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon. Gale was extra kind giving Elena's condition and flew the two in before peacefully setting Harry down. After that Gale simply whisked away out the window and shut it after itself. Elena shivered a little bit as the bite of the cold hadn't entirely left her yet, for the cold had struck deep and wasn't going to go away simply by getting out of Ahtohallan,

"Alright, I'll start running ya that bath I promised, and I want ya ta sit in there so when the bathroom steams up ye can feel the warm steam too"

Elena smiled a little bit up at Harry and nodded as he carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the ledge of the bathtub. He began running the hottest water he could, he'd toggle with the temperature later but for now, he wanted the room to fill up with steam for Elena. Soon enough the steam was billowing in the air and Elena was leaning her face over the tub so the steam would hit her face. It felt refreshing that was for sure, Harry smiled as he saw her cheeks going back to the natural pink tint he adores so much rather than full-on red from frostbite and quietly exited the bathroom to Elena's surprise.

She turned towards the door and tilted her head as Harry shut it behind him, she didn't understand why he left one bit and was immediately feeling lonely which she didn't like one bit,

"Harry? Where d-did you go?"

She called out. Harry who was leaning on the door just outside didn't see anything weird about his exit,

"I'm right out 'ere what do ye mean?"

Elena longingly looked at the door and let out a sad hum, she didn't want him out there whatsoever. Elena wanted his company without a door in between them, so still rather confused about what he did she asked,

"Why though? Come b-back, I want you.... here n-not out there"

Elena sadly spoke. Harry turned his head towards the door and sighed a little bit. He knew better than to stay where someone may be made uncomfortable with his presence, especially seeing as taking a bath involves taking off all pieces of clothing. Harry was very content with not disturbing Elena by staying somewhere where he might see something he's not supposed to, therefore that's all he was thinking about,

"Well, I don't believe ye'd want me ta see ya naked love, so I'll be right out 'ere if ya wanna talk but I'm very strict on boundaries especially when it comes to that sort of thing"

Elena whimpered a little bit, she was simply very sensitive right now from what happened and what she saw in Ahtohallan, therefore her sensitivity was through the roof compared to what it normally is,

"B-But... Harry I-I don't w-wanna be a-alone! P-Please c-come back!"

She whined, Harry had never heard her whine before. He sighed and felt a little bad, but due to his past awful treatment, he was very adamant about only doing something if the other person is a hundred percent alright with it. And in her overly emotional state, Harry was worried that she was somehow being impulsive in any way, shape, or form,

"I know, I'm sorry darlin'... but I really don't think ye want me ya see ya completely naked"

Elena was silent for a moment, Harry listened intently through the door when he suddenly heard balling sobs, he felt even worse and slowly opened the door to the bathroom to make sure Elena wasn't naked before rushing in. He immediately went to her side and pulled her into a hug by bending down to her level and wrapped his arms around her. She sniffled and whimpered a few times as she felt rather relieved that Harry was back,

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