Little Bit Of Closure

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Elena POV

I barely ate anything as we all sat at the table for breakfast, I merely pushed my food around with my fork and tried to stay awake as I could definitely still use some more sleep. Harry continuously leaned over to check on me and would very quietly ask me to try to eat a little bit for my own good, but I simply wasn't hungry. Eventually, I noticed my mom looking at me and my plate looking rather worried, so I knew it wouldn't be long before she asked me what's wrong... and I don't know if I'll be able to keep it together if she does.

I'm just not hungry, I wanna go back to sleep, to be honest. I totally did not get enough sleep last night and the back of my eyes still hurts. I pushed around my food a little more before taking a small nibble from my toast, I felt a little nauseous on top of all this so I put the toast back down as I had to fight the churning feeling in my stomach,

"Elena? Honey are you alright? You've barely eaten a thing"

My mom asked with worry just as I expected. I sighed and didn't even have the energy to look up at her so I simply shrugged at first. I felt a gentle touch land on my shoulder which led me to look over to Harry who was giving me a somber yet calming look, his hand rested gently on my shoulder for support,

"Ye need ta tell her Ellie, she's yer mom and she'll understand. Remember, bottling things up makes it worse"

He was right, a hundred percent right. I learned that last night too, so I knew it would be best to tell my mom despite how hard it will be... and the fact that I have no clue as to how I'm supposed to start. My mom looked between Harry and I with great worry as my aunt and uncle looked up too,

"Tell me what? Is there something wrong? Has something happened?"

My mom asked with great worry now as I slowly was able to look up at her, a headache already settling in the back of my eyes made it slightly painful to keep my eyes open. I wrapped one of my arms around my stomach to try to suppress my nausea and took a sip of water before speaking,

"I.... I remembered... that's all"

I said rather quietly. My mom's eyes widened ever so slightly and immediately looked over to my aunt who looked at her with widened eyes as well. The two of them looked back to me in unison as my aunt asked,

"Remembered... what exactly?"

I sniffled a little bit as I felt the tears rushing back all over again. I looked down at my lap and took a shaky breath as my bottom lip began to quiver from trying to at least hold my tears back long enough to answer, Harry scooted his chair closer to me and gave me a supportive side hug which gave me just enough support for me to speak,

"P-Papa... I r-remembered.... about p-papa"

Was all I could get out before bursting into tears... again. I covered my face with my hands and bawled my tired eyes out. I heard a chair get quickly pushed back and rapid footsteps came my way. Harry's comforting arm slipped away from me which made me panic a little bit... but moments later I was pulled into the warm embrace of my mom... I didn't even have to open my eyes to know. My chair was pushed back a little bit so my mom could hug me from the front and pulled me into her comforting arms... I felt one extra hand on my back, gently rubbing up and down was Harry who wanted to give me support no matter what, thankfully.

My mom held me ever so tightly, she gently swayed back and forth and just let me cry it out for what felt like an eternity with my head rested on her shoulder.... it just hurt so much... so much,

"Oh honey... I'm glad you remembered but... I'm so sorry at the same time"

My mom whispered. I slowly pulled away from her so she could look at me and wiped my tears with my palms,

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