Losing Hope

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Third Person

The group had split up into two parts, Jane, Doug, and Gil had set off back towards Auradon Prep to try to find Fairy Godmother for help with the actual Audrey situation. Mal had to convince Elena to come with them as she was beginning to really lean towards wanting to help Harry rather than even help save Auradon, so Elena reluctantly came along with them, Harry staying attached at her hip.

Dusk began to fall as the group was moving carefully but swiftly through the forest towards Fairy Cottage with Ben leading the way with Mal by his side. She held his hand despite still being rather cross at her fiancé, but she made sure to let him know that she was just that. She didn't speak to him, didn't look at him, and didn't even lean her head over onto his shoulder like she normally did, and that was really starting to get to Ben. He just wanted to do right by both his kingdom and his fiancée, and that was proving to be more difficult than he originally thought it would be.

The rest of the group casually mingled here and there, Uma talking to Gil most as she asked questions about the crew and even a few about Harry, for she'd sobered up a bit during her year away from everyone and was slowly beginning to realize how she had been pushing all her pain that other people inflicted on her to the people in her inner circle, the first one back in the day being Harry. It took her a while to realize, but she was also beginning to see how awful she treated him. Her words alone made her wince to even think about, and the physical pain she put him through just because she had so much pent-up anger to get out was so unnecessary. So naturally, she asked about him to Gil who expressed how wonderful he was doing with Elena's care and excess love and the Harry she was seeing right now, the one who was sluggish, shaking, ill, and anything but well was not the new Harry. He happily explained how the new Harry was bright, always smiling especially when his loving girlfriend was present, stronger than ever as he's one of the best members of the fencing team, popular, kind and loving towards the people he cares about, and of course, extremely loyal.

It was a bit shocking to Uma, hearing that Harry had developed into someone more loving than anything. Gil told her about how he was most open and loving when Elena was around. If she wasn't, he would get just a bit more secluded and wouldn't be as engaging, but as soon as she came around again it was like he blossomed into this amazing human being who simply loved her to bits. Gil went as far as to say Harry absolutely adored the doe-eyed girl, saying he'd never seen Harry look at someone the way he does with Elena. Uma would simply nod a bit and think back to the day Harry tricked her, for it starting to click that the incident on the Isle surrounding the kidnapping was never because Harry wanted to use the girl, it was always because deep down, he loved her. Uma would look back to Elena and Harry, seeing how even in his increasingly worse state, the way he looked down at her alone was unmistakable, he was absolutely smitten.

Elena kept Harry's arm tightly wound with hers, supporting him more and more as she found the strength to let him lean on her almost completely. Now however, a new, even more concerning symptom was beginning to surface. Harry felt his body beginning to go numb, it started at his fingers and felt as if it was crawling up, and he couldn't just ignore it anymore. He looked down at one of his hands and paused, moving his fingers around a bit was difficult seeing as his hands were slowly being covered in frost. He looked over to Elena who still had one of her hands over his so she couldn't see it, but he wasn't going to hide the new symptom from her this time,

"E-Ellie..... m-my hands..."

Harry muttered as talking itself began to be a bit more difficult. Elena looked up at him with more worry as he held her other hand over to her so she could see. When she did look down, she let out a worried gasp as she immediately saw the glistening blue-tinted frost creeping up his hands onto his wrists. She quickly but gently took his other hand in hers and looked it over, slowly looking up at him with tears in her eyes as she felt such agony knowing that it was her magic that did this to her dearest,

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