The God's Visit (Part Two)

670 19 14

Third Person

Hades smirked a bit at his idea, a conniving and evil thought it was. But it would be so easy to disguise it as otherwise, oh it was enough to make him a little giddy on the inside. But he couldn't entirely focus on that for now, he had to heal the girl first. Mal roughly elbowed his arm to get his attention from scheming, making him look back down at her for a moment before groaning, rolling his eyes, and lifting up his arms which made everyone jump a bit. He looked at everyone with a tired expression before looking down at his daughter,

"Well, I kinda need my hands... so who's got the key to these suckers?"

Mal groaned and dug her hand into her pocket a bit as Hades simply hummed a little tune and waited, really appearing rather harmless as he played the act so well. Part of it wasn't an act at all, it was just how he was, but the other part was because he wanted to put everyone at ease, or else they'd never even allow the first part of his plan to start.

So Mal eventually found the key in her pocket, pulling it out she sent a powerful glare up at her father before harshly grabbing the chains, pulling his wrists over to her, and slipping the key into the lock before twisting it around once or twice, the click of the lock coming undone was enough to make some gasp. It was a little terrifying yes, but it had to be done. Elena stayed glued to Harry's side, her expression blank as she kept one hand free at all times in case she had to defend them at a moment's notice, Uma clutched her shell in anticipation too, and even Mal kept her dangerous glare glued on the newly freed God. The chains around his ankles released too, as they were all bound together by one lock.

It was far tenser now, even if the God's seemingly harmless humor had made some soften up a bit. But there were a few in the room who had witnessed the God's ultimate power first hand and were not about to let their guards down now. Elena and Mal being the first two, for neither of them were exactly looking to be struck in the chest to have the life sucked out of them again. So as Hades widened his stance and opened his hand to Mal to receive the ember, she and her dear friend Elena prepared for the worst.

Mal reluctantly but carefully placed the ember in Hades's palm, but as soon as the ember touched his skin, it lit up with a bright blue light as his hair ignited into that bright blue flame. It caused many gasps now, even Elena put an arm out in front of Harry and backed up a bit to make him back up. She shot her eyes up to his hair, tilting her head a bit at it as she simply wondered how that was even physically possible. She shook it off after a moment though, she didn't have time for questions. Mal reluctantly backed up too, signaling to everyone else in the room to back up and let him have some space as he chuckled a bit at Adam's overprotectiveness towards Belle, Ben simply standing in front of both of them.

Hades slowly looked forward, concentrating and actually looking to do the intended job at hand. The idea he got a few minutes ago could wait just a bit longer, he needed the room to trust him after all if he was going to go through with that. So he suddenly took the ember and hovered it over Audrey's bed, firmly in his grasp he rolled his wrist a bit to get it going. He then slowly began drawing circles over her bed, and slowly the lighting in the room darkened and dimmed to a blue hue. Elena's eyes darted a bit, but she made sure to stay focused on the danger at hand right now and how it could combust at any moment. Same with Mal and Uma who had backed up and somehow, somewhere along the line, began holding hands for emotional support. Ben didn't even notice, for he was still rather blind to basic body language cues. But the entire room did notice the obvious, the light getting darker and darker and the blue hue getting stronger and stronger. Queen Leah sat by Audrey's side, unbothered as she simply closed her eyes and hoped that when she opened them that her granddaughter would be back.

Cold HeartedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon