Mysterious Lure

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Elena POV

Eventually Ben left Mal and I to get to our dorm alone, apparently he almost forgot some sort of meeting he had to get to and ran off. He gave my bags to Mal but I took them from her because she does not need to carry my things, I'm alright with it I'm not offended. Mal took a deep sigh as soon as he was gone as we slowly walked down a hall leading to our dormitory I believe. I glanced over to her as we walked side by side, now I'm not the best at reading people but I know a sad face when I see it. She looked really bummed out, and it's hard because I don't like seeing people sad one bit but I barely know her. Well, I might as well ask her if she's alright I guess, I just have a huge soft spot for if someone's sad,

"Hey, you okay?"

I asked with quite a bit of concern. She looked up at me and gave me a bit of a surprised expression, I don't really know why but maybe she wasn't expecting me to ask?

"Oh... I'm okay, thanks"

She muttered before looking back down. I don't believe that one bit but okay, I won't push it. I feel like I've been a little thrown into actual teenage drama but I'll do my best to not get terribly overwhelmed. The only way I'll probably be able to do that is to go on more rides with Nokk, I'm telling you it's therapeutic.

We walked up to one of the doors and Mal flipped a key out of her pocket and popped it into the lock, turning it about until the door unlocked. Then she pushed the door open and revealed... woah. It's so... bright! And there are colors everywhere! I mean, I should probably make that more specific, there are colorful fabrics everywhere! It looked so different compared to what I'm used to, my room is pretty uniform while this is just crazy! I kinda like it, but it's also kinda chaotic. I spotted a girl amidst the fabric, a blue head of hair popping out of a pile of yellow tulle, I can already tell you she looks far nicer than Mal does,

"Oh! Hello! Are you the new girl?"

The girl happily chirped, well that has made me a lot happier already. Some actually seems excited to see me besides Ben, wonderful! Mal walked in before me and led me in, shutting the door behind me as I simply continued looking around,

"Yeah, I'm she"

I said in a slight daze as I looked around. She lightly squealed and wrestled the tulle ball off of her and trotted over to me, she wore mainly red and blue with gold accents and had a measuring tape draped over the back of her neck, is she a designer? Well doesn't she seem pleasant so far?

"Hi! I'm Evie, and you are?"

I smiled and held my hand out for a handshake which Evie quickly took to shake,

"Elena, Elena Árnadalr. But my nickname is Elle if you prefer"

I said, her brow furrowing ever so slightly at my last name probably. It's unique for sure, but that's why I like it! I like having a unique last name because it makes me feel more unique if that makes any sense? Anyway, she chuckled after a moment,

"Nice to meet you Elena, and may I say I love your outfit!"

She said as she looked up and down, aww she is so sweet! So much easier to get along with compared to Mal, thank goodness! I giggled and straightened out my skirt a little,

"Thank you!"

I simply spoke. She looked over to the vacant part of the room and walked over to it,

"Well this is your part of the room, Ben said it's temporary but hopefully it's good for now. Here's your bed, here's your wardrobe, and this is overall your space"

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