Perfect Innocence With A Sprinkle Of Bad

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Third Person

"When I look at you Chad, all I can think of is, king"

Evie boldly stated to simply get Chad to go for the faux fur lining for his jacket for cotillion. Chad smirked and adjusted the coat on his shoulders,

"Oh yeah?"

He said in a cocky tone, Evie looked up at him and nodded with a smile, playing her classic charm to just get him to go for the faux fur already as they've been at this for what feels like hours,

"Oh yes, and faux fur screams king"

Doug who was sitting in a chair at the other side of the room with a pencil in hand added to Evie's persuasion as Chad keeps switching between faux fur to peacock feathers, both of them were more than ready for Chad to simply make a decision already,

"Loud and clear, king"

Chad looked over to Doug and smirked with satisfaction before beginning to daydream,

"You know who else would like it?"

Chad said, Evie looked up at him for a moment as she began to work the faux fur along the trim of the coat again. He sighed and thought for a moment,

"Audrey... or maybe the new girl too. Honestly, I'd be happy with either, that new girl is so much quieter than Audrey is though. What's her name again? You guys hang out a lot"

Evie stiffened and sighed, of course Chad likes Elena too. Evie rolled her eyes as every boy who isn't taken, and some who are, have been talking about Elena ever since she got to Auradon Prep. Evie knew Elena wouldn't know any better, so behind the scenes, she and Mal have been steering all the boys away from Elena as best as possible, for her own good. Evie and Mal would hate for someone to use her somehow, Evie worries about her more than Mal though as Mal believes that a girl with ice powers won't let anyone mess with her too much. Evie though would hate for someone to ruin the girl's perfect innocence, the one that believes that everyone is good and thinks the best of everyone. Evie would hate for something to happen to her to make her think otherwise, that sort of attitude is rare.

Evie rolled her eyes at Chad before flashing a smile when he looked her way. She's dealt with this before, she knows what to do,

"Her name is Elena, but Audrey is definitely more your type. I'd go for her if I were you"

Chad raised a brow and hummed, not entirely taking that, so he continued,

"Well I think Princess Elena and I would be a great match, I mean she's quiet, peaceful, a princess, adorable if I may add"

Evie shot him a glare and gritted her teeth a little,

"Well I'm afraid that you're a little late, Jay has quite a significant fondness for her and would probably throw you out of the way to get her"

Evie wasn't the biggest fan that Jay was so persistent with Elena, she'd be happier if he was more gentle and slow with her when it came to the flirting game, but at least she knew Jay well. Chad suddenly sunk and sighed,

"You're right, Audrey would be easier. Not that I'm saying Jay would be able to beat my ass or anything-"

Suddenly in the doorway sprouted Jay himself who had been looking for Chad everywhere. He raised his brow at the mention of his name,

"Talking about me Charming? Well you better hope it was all good things because it's time to head to the amphitheater, if it wasn't all good things then I will make a fool out of you"

Chad immediately straightened up and got a little timid. Jay intentionally stared Chad down to scare him a bit more,

"All good things I promise"

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