Breaking Point

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Third Person

The slow and sinister stalking of the son of Hook caused bystanders to jump out of the way of his path, his villainous smirk was haunting but ever so enchanting. As he stalked through one of the side streets to make his way back to the Chip Shop, while they were fearful of the boy, many swooned after he had passed them and could no longer see them.

Conniving, deceptive, wicked, cruel, dangerous, a psychopath defined by his captain, hauntingly handsome, a definition of a dream boy on the Isle.

He casually would take something from someone else and throw it into someone else's face, or even trip someone as they walked by and then yell at them for running into him, even begin to flirt up with one of the street vendors so he could steal from them without them even realizing it. He was a cruel one, and he loved being such. No matter where he went, he felt as if he had control of everyone around him, and he loved it to an unhealthy extent.

The young pirate Harry Hook walked with a confident swagger as he entered his crew's territory, now he could truly bully whoever he wished without getting in any kind of trouble. No one would dare cross him, for no one who had seen his true wrath had lived to tell the tale, or so that's what the rumors say. The rumors about the young pirate were filthy ones, ones of his deranged mind and twisted morals, ones of gruesome acts enveloped in madness. But they are only mere rumors, most of which are started by the crew themselves, some even by the captain. Most of the ones about being a diagnosed psychopath were started by the captain herself to make him seem extra frightening. Truth is, her rumors, all the rumors, couldn't be further from the truth.

The young pirate had a very rough upbringing and a plethora of mental issues that have shaped who he's maturing into, his sometimes erratic behavior is simply mistaken for psychopathy, it happens more often than not. It doesn't make him crazy or psychotic, it makes him a harder and more complicated to understand, and no one has ever taken the time to do as much as try.

So without even knowing it, Harry carries around a grudge with every person he's ever even brushed past for not doing just that, trying for him. So as Harry shoved into innocent bystanders, he was picking up a new grudge with every shove. More and more weight was put on his shoulders with every interaction, but after all these years of collecting this weight, it's easy to not even realize it's stacking up.

He'd never admit it, but he wishes he could have one person look at him and genuinely seem to look into his soul, just once he wishes he could take his walls down around someone and let someone into his cold and isolated heart.

Instead of realizing that wish, he takes it as the longing to be free. Freedom is all he wants, that's what he tries to get himself to believe at least. Of course, freedom is at the top of his list, then maybe he could get to bring his walls down to someone, but first things first. Harry didn't want to just survive anymore, he wanted to live and prosper in every department imaginable.

Harry shoved into a man carrying a stack of clothes, causing him to stumble back and struggle to regain his balance. As soon as the bystanders down that alleyway saw the infamous son of Hook they did whatever they could to distance themselves from the aggressive alleged psychopath. He stealthily snatched a scarf from a woman who scowled at him, walked maybe four steps, and threw it into someone else's face without a second glance. He then silently threatened one bystander who had locked eyes with him and shook his finger a little at them, a silent warning to not even speak a word to him.

Now Harry waltzed right on up to the heart of his territory, Ursula's Fish and Chips, his place of work and play it seemed as his crew was there all the time. Pirates watched from above as the young pirate's infamous red coat was easy to spot through the dense fog of the day brought in by the nearby sea.

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