Into The Crossfire

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Elena POV

What.... What on earth just happened?

The reality of the situation is finally hitting me as I run away from the forest and book it up to Auradon Prep as there is no way I can go back through the forest like this, I mean I'm really scratched up! Audrey... Audrey actually attacked me! And managed to physically hurt me too! Those thorn vines were a little vicious, but those blasts she was sending at me scared me too! All about what? Something that I didn't even know I did! So yeah, I'm a little shocked and slightly upset I won't lie! But before I do as much as I tend to my own wounds, I need to warn Harry and the others!

I was making a beeline to my room as I pulled my bag around and grabbed my phone out of it, finally I have reception too! I don't know how you'd fix that, but I feel like they should make sure there's reception in the forest in case someone needs help! Anyway, I pulled my phone out and watched it light up with notifications from Harry calling me, worrying me quite a bit. I immediately called him back, holding the phone up to my ear and within seconds hearing Harry answer,

"Ellie? Where are ya love? I've been trying ta call ya for twenty minutes when ya didn't show"

Harry spoke with great worry I could tell. I sighed and looked around to make sure no one was around as my legs began to feel a little worse from being so scratched up. Everyone was staring at me because of it too, but I understand that I'm bleeding, that's what I'm going to go fix! But I took a deep breath to recollect myself before speaking as calmly as I could,

"Harry... tell me you're with the others and not alone somewhere in the woods?"

I cautiously asked, he was quick to answer with more confusion,

"Yeh I'm still at Evie's place with everyone else, why do ya ask? Yer worrying me"

I looked around again to make sure I was alone before quietly speaking after cupping the speaker to my phone so I could speak directly into it without much chance of someone overhearing,

"Don't panic, but Audrey... Audrey attacked me when I was on my way there, and she had a bit of help. I'm alright, but I had to run back to Auradon Prep as quickly as I could to get away from her and now I need to patch myself up... Harry, can you put Mal on the phone really quick? I need to check something"

Harry took a long pause... like he had a short circuit moment or something. I waited as I could hear his panic as he suddenly loudly spoke,

"She did what?! Ellie are ya alright? What did she do? I'll hunt her down myself I don't care-"

"Harrison, I promise you it's just a few scratches. More importantly, I really need Mal to get on the line ASAP, I need to ask her something"

I gently had to cut him off, I could tell he was getting distressed so I just had to! Harry paused as I jogged down the hall to my dorm room and pulled the key out with one hand,

"Okay okay, but really, what did she do? I-I don't like hearing that my lassie got attacked in the middle of the forest while she was all alone... especially because I know ye can defend yerself and the fact that she scratched ya up however she did really scares me as ta what actually happened"

I sighed as I pushed my dorm room door open, shutting it right behind me as I spoke,

"I can't say much confidently without knowing exactly what she used which is why I need Mal, but she scratched my legs up pretty bad-"

I paused as I heard Harry's breath hitch before hearing a loud thud. My heart stopped for a moment I swear, only thinking about the fact that Audrey could've just attacked him by the sound of that rather loud thud,

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