River Full Of Memory

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Harry POV

Saying I'm nervous is beyond an understatement.

As we galloped through the fjord to eventually get to the sea, I could feel my heart pounding progressively faster the closer we got to our destination. Ahtohallan... a dangerous place that shows the past and any event one needs to know about, but it can also kill ya... ya see why I'm nervous yet?

Gods... Elena's gonna come out of there and know the truth about her father's death and who knows what else! I'm fucking terrified! I'm worried she's going to go too far trying to find the truth... I'm worried that she won't know when enough is enough! So yeah... I'm utterly and completely terrified.

I wish I could come in with her, but I know I don't want to see what that place could show me. So yeah, I'll wait outside while Elena goes in... I'm just really hoping that she won't need my help, I hope she has enough self-control to not go too far. I want her to know the truth, and maybe this is the best way for her to find out, but it doesn't mean I'm exactly happy about the level of danger here,

"Alright, we're out of the fjord. Now where to?"

Elena said as she slowed Nokk ever so slightly. She turned her head to look at me as I was able to pull out the map before fiddling with the compass to see which direction we should go in. She looked so excited... it kills me to know that's going to go away as soon as she finds the truth. Gods, I hope it doesn't traumatize her all over again. I figured out which direction we were supposed to go in and pointed that way,

"Continue forward that way, then we'll take a very slight right and we should simply run into it. Elena... I just gotta say it again but please, remember not ta go too far"

Elena steadied Nokk on before turning back around to me and giving me a comforting smile. She simply gave me that wonderful smile for a moment before speaking as I tucked the map and compass away again,

"I'll remember Harry, to be honest, I'm more worried about not knowing what going too far looks like. But no matter what I'll remember that you're outside waiting for me"

That's... a slightly odd thing to say. She'll remember that I'm outside waiting for her? And she looked a little more somber at the end of saying it, is she using that as a motivation for herself to remember that she mustn't stay in Ahtohallan for long? She's... using me as motivation to not go too far. Well... that's a very eerie thought, isn't it? Makes me feel even more on edge than I was before I think.

The night was progressively getting colder the later it got and the further we galloped out to sea, I don't think it was cold enough for Elena to feel it as apparently it has to be extremely cold for her to feel it, but I sure could feel it. Even for the countless layers I had on I was freezing cold already, I could see my breath while I couldn't see Elena's. That is strange, isn't it? It must mean her internal temperature itself is colder, interesting for sure. Nonetheless, the colder I got I could only think that we were getting closer to Ahtohallan, and that fact was simply a little daunting to me. I'm torn because I want her to get her memory straight so she can feel complete again, but I just wish it wasn't so goddamn dangerous! Why is every mission to find the truth always so goddamn dangerous?!

Elena lightly gasped and immediately drew Nokk to a halt that was so abrupt I nearly fell off. She looked around in all directions for a moment before lighting up again and steadying her head in one direction, I looked around too and saw nothing of importance, so this is rather odd isn't it?

"What is it?"

I casually asked after adjusting my seat from the abrupt halt. She laughed in disbelief it seemed and turned to look at me for a moment,

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