Chapter 22. Big Bad Wolf (P2)

Start from the beginning

Were these feelings Crescent's own? They were intoxicating and stupid.

"I'm not afraid... of you... You shouldn't be afraid of me." He lied, his body shuddered from the unclear path he set before himself. He could soil his pants from the nerves dancing in his stomach, throw up dinner, and pee himself all in one wrong move. Why not run? Get away. Save himself?

What held him together was the moments he shared with Kisha. The amount of comfort in Saikai's words. He knew he couldn't be hurt.

That sparked a boldness beyond that of his fear. Standing within the proximity of anyone else, Crescent would fold. His heart ached, echoing with a longing. It was always Crescent making sure someone else felt safe. Now he understood why Ahni was so stuck to him. A natural comfort that Crescent didn't want to go away. Kisha had that inside of him, but now he needed to convince the unsure creature that he was safe as well. Crescent had failed him this entire time out of stubbornness and idiocy.

Kisha may not be a risk taker, but Crescent had the courage to try everything once.

A sheep staggering closer to a growling animal as a deer in headlights. He was caught in swirls, chasing behind a threat he knew nothing about. A being he found fascinating, influenced by its existence. He couldn't stop his mind, his body's pursuit. God no longer existed.

"Please... Just come to me." Forlorn in his voice.

The wolf turned, Crescent's heart skipping a beat. He froze once more, as that cold stare now drifted towards him.

As a monster in shadow watched children from the closet, the only thing he could see... Its mouth parted, tongue flicking violently, testing his bravery. Large paws leave indents in the soil, step after step bringing the massive creature closer. The pupils in its eyes were beady, shrouded by the glowing ice-blue iris that beaconed in the darkness. This was Kisha beneath that facade of human flesh?

"I don't care if you hurt me. Just don't hate me, dammit!" Crescent winced, the wolf now only a few feet away from him before it stopped, and with those words leaped, paws stretched out colliding with his shoulders. Crescent was sent to his back, slamming hard against the earth. He took the full weight of the predator.

A sudden wince, unable to move, faint smell of strawberries and cream emitted from its fur. The fruity scents he oftentimes smelt on Kisha.

The growling intensified, and thick slobber dripping from clenched teeth ran a warm path against his cheek to his ear.

It was only inches away. Its breath was hot, smell of blood and fur hit Crescent's nose, forcing him to turn his head to one side. 

He wasn't sure what was happening, but his shoulders ached as the wolf's nails dug deeper into his skin. The head lowered, its large muzzle pressed at his ear, sniffing sent shivers down his spine. It tickled. Like it was unsure of what to do with him, the wolf remained guarded but patient. Snout moved down the side of his head to his neck, huffing.

It's jowls part and the breathing goes from nose to mouth. The only thing he could do is hope for the best and keep eye contact none.

Crescent wasn't sure if it was the same as dogs, but he was told not to stare. It meant a challenge.

The weight of the animal quickly grew lighter, as warm digits unexpectedly strapped at his shoulders, sending Crescent to whip his head back towards the being. Hovering over him, panting with one eye open, Kisha's comforting but crooked features.

He was still growling, his eyes reflecting an eerie hollowness as sweat and dirt trickled from his face. He was spent. His hair was loose, pooled over his shoulders and back, brushing against Crescent by the force of the wind.

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