I cry almost every night: heave, scream into my pillow, silent tears.

"Morning." Nancy smiles.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Opal, I signed these for you. They came in the mail this morning, but you were sleeping." She softly says. I know they all can hear me crying.

I open the package and books fall out.

~The Chronicles of Narnia~

I open the first page and a letter falls out.

'I saw you reading this book and you asked if I had the series, I didn't. But now you do. Don't read them all in one day.'

It says and I look back at the books.

"Who is it from?" I question.

"Not sure, but it came with this." She holds up a large red button, an exact replica from my coat. I grab it from her hand and quickly place it in my pocket.

I rush to find Evan.

"If he's gone, explain this." My voice rises. He looks at the books I've thrown on his desk.

"Mail takes long to get to places." He says. I don't have anything else to say, grab the books and sit out in the garden.

Once again I'm all alone. Joseph is back in the army, at least he's stationed thirty minutes away from us, but I don't think I can ever visit him.

I intensely stare at the button, once held by Sawyer. I admire all it's angles and squeeze it into my hand.

I'm crying less and less now, it's been three months. One year since Sawyer has been gone and three months since I haven't seen Jospeh.

"Come on, Opal. We're going to be late." Avery pulls me and Evan drives us to the movie theater. Since the movie theater is on a military base, everyone here is dressed in uniform.

We walk into the movie and quickly find our seats. Evan orders us popcorn.

A scene comes up of a man on a train, hoping the girl he loves says goodbye to him before he leaves and never sees her again. How can he just leave without saying goodbye? I sigh out, and look down into my lap, fidgeting my fingers. This hits a little too close to home.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whisper to Avery, unable to continue watching this movie. I storm out angry, not bothering to look for a bathroom. I head for the exit.

"Opal!" I hear someone call my name, I quickly turn around,

"Jospeh." I say.

"Hey." He says.

"Some movie, huh?" I ask him, not knowing if he was in there or not or if he saw me and followed me. He sighs as he puts his hands into his pocket,

"Yeah." He agrees.

"It's been a while." I shyly smile at him. I wasn't expecting to see him today. He did get us the free movie tickets.

"I've been logging in a lot of hours." He smiles down at me, I nod,

"I kinda been avoiding you too." I confess. We both laugh and he turns away, almost nervous.

"Yeah." He scratches the back of his head. We both look away and I spot something across the street and turn back to him,

"Look..." I say at the same time Jospeh says,

"Do you.."

We both stop talking and he leans his body and tilts his head to the direction we were both looking at,

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now