"Maybe you should tell Y/N how you feel," Obi-Wan suggested. "Goodness knows I've caught her staring at you more than once."

His words excited Anakin, but the stoic-faced man didn't let it show. "Good one."

"I'm not joking," Obi-Wan insisted. "She may seem like a good girl, but she's just as frustrated as you are."

Anakin did his best to stifle his reaction, wondering if there was any truth to the older man's words. Obi-Wan had no reason to lie to him, and benefited in no way by making Anakin think you were just as horny for him as he was for you.

He let Fives have his fun for the rest of the evening. It was aggravating to see his hands linger on your exposed skin and his lips whisper things into your ear that made your thighs squeeze together, but Anakin knew that he had to be patient.

After all, good things come to those who wait.

It was almost midnight and the Tatooine atmosphere had finally reached a bearable temperature. Most of the team was turning in for the night, but not you.

Anakin had spent the last week listening to you come out of your tent and leave the camp when you thought nobody else was awake. At first, he assumed that you and Fives were sneaking off to have sex, which pissed him off to no end- until he realized that you were alone every time.

On this particular night, Anakin decided to follow you.

He didn't know what to expect. Maybe you were some sort of shapeshifter who turned into a mythical creature under the light of the moon. Maybe you were sleepwalking without even realizing what you were doing. Maybe Obi-Wan was right; you were just as horny as Anakin, and you were sneaking off to touch yourself in privacy.

What you were actually doing, though, which took Anakin by surprise, was sitting.

He waited for a few minutes to see whether you would do something, but you remained unmoving. You had left the forested area and were sitting on a dune, your fingers slowly raking through the sand beneath you.

"What are you doing?" The question left Anakin's mouth without him meaning it to, but he couldn't take it back now.

You didn't turn back, knowing who it was by his voice. "Nothing."

"Why are you out here alone?" He asked you, folding his arms across his chest as a cool breeze floated past. "It's dark, and dangerous."

A small smile grew on your lips and you finally looked back to face him. "Come join me, then. You can protect me from all the... beetles."

He took a step forward, before stopping. Remaining on the grass, he frowned at you. "I don't like sand."

You almost laughed, but kept it in. "Okay, then." Turning your body, you got onto your knees and crawled over to the line where the sand met the grass. Remaining on the desert-like area, you sat on your bottom, before looking up at him with wide eyes. "Does this work for you?"

Reluctantly, he slowly lowered down and sat cross-legged on the grass opposite you. "It'll do." He was a little too close to the sand for his liking, but it was worth being in close proximity to you.

"Sand is comfy," You commented. "It's like the perfect chair, molding around your butt."

"It's irritating," Anakin countered with furrowed brows. "Spend five minutes in it, and you'll still be finding grains in your hair five days later."

You shot him a playful pout, but it sent a ripple through his core and straight to his cock.

"Let's go back," He ordered. "You need to rest." After a long day of making him and his troopers fantasize about you naked.

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