The Wedding Of River Song

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Author note - hey everyone here is the final episode of series six I can't believe how far I come when I first started. I like to thank everyone who read the series and is enjoying it now in this episode in the doctor who version river is the one the doctor kises to change time. But I thought in my version it should be rose who kises Andrew as they love each other. Hope you enjoy thank you allonzy and geronimo.

22nd of April 2011,


"it's a lovely sunny day in London there will be congestion on the skies today so be careful"

It was a sunny day in London the city was bussing in the sky with car flying in the sky. On the ground children where eating something when they see dinosaurs in the sky. When the children list up their food to them"hey look "but the dinosaur fly near them and the children run away from it, as they pass a sign saying" don't feed the dinosaur "" so what can you tell us about this Christmas special "said a TV presenter as they talk to Charles dickens as. Romans wait before going across the road" well I can tell you it involves ghost from the past, present and future "" oh we love Scary dramas " said the women presenter as she smiles at him as they all laugh. As they larght in a building a few miles away Churchill was sitting on the chair getting his blood pressure taken "your blood pressure seam normal but it's up a bit" "oh yeah I had a fight with cleo she a amazing women. What wrong with the day and time it's always the 22nd of April 2011 and it's always 5.02pm any time day or night "said Churchill as he looks at the date and time as he wonder why it was like this. The man looks at him frowning wondering if he was OK" you OK sir and it's always this time and date "" get him here I need to talk to him where is he bring him " said Churchill as he wants him to bring someone in who know about what going on. The man nods and they bring the person in who kneels infront of him"leave us tock tock goes the clock but it dose not tick anymore. Your the only person who know what going on so tell me what happens to Time "" a women "said Andrew as he lifts his head up smiling and it goes into the theam tune.

The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we Flash back to a figure walked to a dalek "imagine you where dieing and you where lost without a home or anyone left and you felt pain. But what could be worst to be faced with the devil herself hello dalek" "self distruct activated "said the dalek as it tried to destroy it self before rose could get any information out of it," don't bother with that dalek . I need information about the silence to help my husband "" who are you and why you here "said the man as he see her standing there after he walks in with a long coat and hat," well I need to talk to this person is he in""no he not in go away " said the man as he looks at the paper telling rose to go away. But she smiled and gives him the eye stalk of the dalek" how about this I'm the daughter of the blue horse and I want to talk to him "" OK sorry miss this way " said the man as he shows her in so rose could see who he asked for. 

As rose sits while reading a magazine when the person she asked for sat down and looked at him "what you doing here" "oh good to see you to but I need to know about the silence and I want to know why my husband had to die "said rose while looking into the mans eye seeing a little person in there who waves," well go and get your boss hello again long time no see "" what do you want "said the man while looking at her they tell her what she wants . And heads out of the door.

As she left in a chess match rose was watching Andrew playing against somone "OK well you got one more to make but you can't move that peices as it got a lot of vaults in it so tell me what I need to know" "what do you want to know " said the man while touches the chess peices but pulls back wondering what he wanted to know. Andrew looks at him and frowns "I want to know why I have to die and doriums dead he got killed by monks in demons run""doriums know why you need to ask him and I know but you need to not win the chess match and then I take you to him " said the man while looming at him frowning. Andrew nods and dose not win the match and the man takes him to doriums to ask why he has to die as rose followed him. So they walked into the cave where he saw skull heads " so why are some in boxes and what was that" "well someone people are rich and can afford the box and other just rot and doriums was very rich. And that was a rat"said the man as he tell Andrew about the boxes as they walk past the rats on the floor. Andrew pulls the door and smiles" thank you for bringing me here""your welcome but I kill you and you never find out why you have to die "said the man as he points the gun at Andrew . Andrew frowns and was about to do something when the man fell Andrew rose was behind him" hello lover "" you ok oh I mist you. So much like your mother "Andrew said as they kiss . When doriums wakes up and frowned" is somone there Andrew good to see you long time no see and who this "" you look good sep from that oh and this is my wife rose she Charlotte daughter "said Andrew while looking at him as he introduces rose and them they larght at him in the box and they all laughed and it flashes back to Wiston Churchill. 

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