Impossible Astonourt

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In memory of Elisabeth Sladen 
1948 - 2011

In a Palace Charles is walking around after Andrew "Out of my way Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Where's the Doctor" "Doctor who" matilda said as he heard a noise "achoo You know, this isn't nearly as bad as it looks" "At the personal intervention of the King, the unnamed Doctor was incarcerated without trial in the Tower of London" amy said reading a book "Okay, but it doesn't have to be him"" According to contemporary accounts, two nights later, a magical sphere some twenty feet across, was seen floating away from the tower, bearing the mysterious Doctor aloft" she kept on reading "Okay. It's him"" There's more" she said as they then flash to a tunnel "Doctor. Doctor, what can you see" "Is the commandant's office painted a sort of green colour with a big flag on the wall? I think the answer's probably yes" Andrew said as he got pulled up "It's like he's being deliberately ridiculous, trying to attract our attention. Are you watching this again" "Yeah. I've explained the jokes. So what are you saying? Do you really think he's back there, trying to wave to us, out of history books" Rory asked as he watches something with Andrew on " Hey, it's the sort of thing he'd do. Thanks""Yeah , but why" Rory asked "Well, he said he'd be in touch"" Two months ago" he said as amy walked in "Two months is nothing. He's up to something. I know he is. I know him" "What is it? Amy" he said as amy opens a envelope with the number three on it "A date, a time, a map reference. I think it's an invitation""From who"Rory wonder who it was from "It's not signed. Look, Tardis blue" she said throwing it and then we flash to raven who was liserning to take that "relight my fire your heart is my only desire relight my fire because I need your love" "ah nice song I love that song. What this number five what this mean ok well I'm sure I'm about to find out" she said as she goes and packs. So we flash to a school where clone Rebecca is working when her boss came in "Mr Smith how can I help you today" "this was sent through the post for you" he said passing it to her as she looked at it it had six on the back "OK thanks. Right so what this mean well I go um Mr Smith I got a family thing so see you tomorrow" so she road off to see what going on in America rose was sitting on the chair as she held a envelope with the number one on it waiting for the right time to meet the others. On a football pitch Beth was playing with her team when she got calls over by her couch "Beth you got a note" she looked at it and it had the number seven on it she frowned and headed off. In river cell she gets a envelope with the number two on it and she smiled "You'd better get down here, sir. She's doing it again. Doctor Song, sir. She's packing. Says she's going to some planet called America" "Thanks" amy said as they get off the bus when raven, clone Rebecca and Beth ran to them "hey you two you here"  "You're very welcome" said the driver as he drove off as amy and Rory smile at them" good to see you all "" you to This is it, yeah? The right place" Beth wonder "Nowhere, middle of? Yeah, this it"" Howdy" andrew said as they all smile to see him and rose there "Doctor!" " uncle Andrew" clone Rebecca said smiling hugging him " good to see you" "yeah long time how are Charlotte and yor brother " raven said grining wondering how they where " they good thanks. Ha, ha! It's the Pond and my family" "Hey" Beth said as they all hug "Hello, Pond. Come here"" So, someone's been a busy boy then, eh" amy said smiling "Did you see me" "Of course" she smiled as rose grins "Stalker""Flirt" rose said as she held Andrew hand "Husband"" Rory the Roman! Ooo, come here" andrew said hugging Rory "Hey, nice hat""he wear a Stetson now. Stetsons are cool" rose said as river shots it "Hello, sweetie Right then, where are we? Have we done Easter Island yet" "Er, yes! I've got Easter Island" Andrew said as rose sit next to him " They worshipped you there. Have you seen the statues" "Jim the fish" Andrew smiled as rose looked confused "Jim the who" "hey rose what flavour do you want" Beth asked what flavor drink she want " orange please" "coming right up" raven smiled as they pay and sit down "Oh! Jim the fish. How is he" "Still building his dam" andrew said smiling "Sorry, what are you two doing" "They're both time travellers, so they never meet in the right order. They're syncing their diaries. So, what's happening, then? Because you've been up to something." clone Rebecca asked what going on "I've been running, faster than I've ever run. And I've been running my whole life. Now, it's time for me to stop. And tonight, I'm going to need you all with me""Okay. We're here. What's up" Beth wonder "A picnic. And then a trip. Somewhere different, somewhere brand new"" Where" rose asked " Space, 1969" and it goes into the theam tune. 

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