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Back up in space stood the tardis inside the ship Andrew , Beth, raven, clone Rebecca, rose, Amy and Rory where looking at the other amy that just apeard in the tardis after Rory dropped something which made the other tardis apeard in the original one and they where all very confused about what was going on "who the hell are you" "I'm you from another point in time a few hours ahead of you "said the other amy smiling away rose walked to her and touched her shoulder" what you doing "" she telling the truth I feel the power my mum said I have gift" rose said frowning what's going on "Now how can you be here this is impossible "said clone Rebecca looking at Andrew while wondering what was going in as she never knew this could actually happen" well I just remembered being her standing there and remember this and this and this""I don't understand "said the real amy who was very confused about what was happening," you still dont""OK well we need to get this right when did this amy go in that tardis "said raven wondering what happend so sgd can get this right so they can send them to the right time" when amy hits rory""OK um how " said Rory as he wanted to know what made and hit him in the first place as he was really confused still about what was happening. 

" OK Rory we need you to thing if we don't get this right you be stuck with two amy then what will you do " Rory turn to real amy who hits him and heads to the other tardis," do I really look like that and what my first line""yes yes you do and OK kids this is where it get complicating "said the other amy smiling at her as the real amy leans against the tardis looking at her other self , "ah amy in love with herself true love at last sorry Rory now go" the real amy nods and heads into the tardis and the other amy walks up the step towards them "so is that it is that all"but before anyone could say anything another Rory and the same amy came through the tardis door "oh did not see that coming" "well you told us to get in the tardis. But in our Point of view you just told us to get in the tardis in your point of view you got to tell us to get in the tardis " said the other Rory as he explains how this happened but rory and the others where very confused, rose could feel the power inside them.

 So she knew they where from another time" so Rory got to remember all that well I wish you luck""it just happens "said the other Rory saying it be OK that they remembered what to say when it their turn to say it. Beth rushed the two compantion in the tardis and headed back to the console" so is that it now""stay there I need to find out how to get that tardis out but it two leavers. I need to know which one to press or we destroy the universe "said Andrew as he looks at the two leaver wondering which one to press as he wants to save the world" you don't know  which leaver to press""no but I'm about to find out " said Andrew as he looked at the door to see another Andrew come his way smiling" the wobbly leaver "the other Andrew pulls it kisses rose hand and runs off back to his tardis as it disappeared" well least that other right matt""exactly now as that over pond put some trosures on " rose said smiling away and they headed to their next adventure through time and space.

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