Closing Time

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In a shopping center "Thank you""Better cash up then. Suppose John Joe can just wait for me" Kelly said sighing "No, I'll do it. You head off""When's the council going to fix this? Last night my telly went off in the middle of Top Model" she said frowning as the lights start to flash on and off "John Joe's waiting. I'll do the changing rooms, too""Oh, thanks, Shona " she said as she walked off"There's a list on the fridge""I saw it" Craig said as he walked down the stairs "And I've labelled the food and sort of numbered it""Sophie, you don't need to number food" he said smiling "It's just a suggestion. Also, my mum might phone" "Might" hr frowned "And your Mum, and my Dad, and you know, just some people""I can cope on my own. Now, please go and have a rest. You need it. I love you" he said as they kiss " I love you, too. And thank you for this. And I do know you can cope on your own. And I may have drawn some arrows in the fridge""You really have to go "he said as he walked her out the door"Oh, Kelly. Hello? Sorry, we need to close up. Two minutes, okay" "Mum, it's not just you. I'm phoning everybody. I'm texting the world. Craig Owens can do it on his own. No one is coming to help me.Mum, I'm going to have to call you back. I'm coping. I'm coping on my own. I'm coping on my own I'm coping on my own" Craig said seeing Andrew there "Hello, Craig. I'm back""She didn't. How could she phone you" Craig said frowning "How could who phone me? Nobody phoned me, I'm just here. Oh, you've redecorated. I don't like it""It's a different house. We moved" he said as Andrew looked in " Yes, that's it""Doctor, what are you doing here" he wonder why Andrew was here "Social call. Thought it was about time I tried one out. How are you" "I'm fine" he nods "This is the bit where I say I'm fine too, isn't it? I'm fine, too. Good. Love to Sophie. Bye Something's wrong On your own, you said. But you're not. You're not on your own" he said as he walked into the house scanning around with his sonic "Just shush""Increased sulphur emissions. And look at the state of this place. What are you not telling me" he said looking at the house "Doctor, please""Shush" he said back going near the door "No, you shush""Shush" he said "Shush""No, you shush" he said as he gets ready to open the door " Doctor" "Hello, who's in there" Shona said wondering who there "Whatever you are, get off this planet""Whaaaa" Alfie said crying "You've woken him" "Hello? Are you all right" she said as she open the curtain to find a cyberman and it goes into the theam tune.

The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we arrive back in Craig's House "So when you say on your own" "Yes, I meant on my own with the baby. Yes. Because no one thinks I can cope on my own. Which is so unfair, because I can't cope on my own with him. I can't. He just cries all the time. I mean, do they have off switches" he said as he held the baby "Human beings. No. Believe me, I've checked"" No, babies" he frowned at him " Same difference. Sometimes this works though. Shush""Can you teach me to do that"he wonder as he makes Alfie quiet "Probably not""Oh, please. Come on, I need something. I'm rubbish at this" he said really tierd "At what" "Being a dad. You read all the books, and they tell you you'll know what to do if you follow your instincts. I have no instinct. That's what this weekend's about, trying to prove to people I can do this one thing well" he said as Andrew was reading a book "So, what did you call him? Will I blush" "No, we didn't call him the Doctor" Craig said frowning "No, I didn't think you would""He's called Alfie. What are you doing here anyway" he said as Andrew sighed " Yes, he likes that, Alfie, though personally he prefers to be called Stormageddon, Dark Lord Of All""Sorry, what" Craig wonder "That's what he calls himself"" And how do you know that" he wonder "I speak baby""Of course you do. I don't even know when his nappy needs changing, and I'm the one supposed to be his dad. Oh"he said sitting on the chair as Andrew put Peper on his shoulder "Yeah. He's wondering where his mum is? Where is Sophie" "She's gone away with Melina for the weekend. She needs a rest" Craig said frowning "No, he's your dad. You can't just call him Not Mum""Not Mum" Craig was annoyed "That's you. Also Not Mum, that's me. And everybody else is peasants. That's a bit unfortunate"" What are you here for? What's happening" he wonder why he here "I just popped in to say hello""You don't do that. I checked upstairs when we moved, it's real. And next door, both sides, they're humans. Is it the fridge? Are there aliens in my fridge" hr wonder why he was here "I just want to see you, Craig! Cross my hearts. I've been knocking about on my own for a bit. Bit of a farewell tour. One last thing, popping in to see you, then I'm off to the Alignment of Exedor""The Alignment of Exedor" hr smiled "Seventeen galaxies in perfect unison. Meant to be spectacular. I can't miss it. Literally can't. It's locked in a time stasis field. I get one crack at flying my Tardis straight into it, if I get my dates right. Which I have""Sounds nice" he said as Andrew looks through the paper "So this is me, popping in and popping out again. Just being social. Just having a laugh. Never mind that""Never mind what" he wonder what he just saw " Nothing""No, you've noticed something. You've got your noticing face on. I have nightmares about that face" he said frowning "Ooo, nope, given up all that. Done noticing things. I didn't even notice that, for example. Well, got to go. Good seeing you, Craig. Goodbye, Stormageddon""No, no, wait, wait. Can you do the shushing thing"he wonder as he say goodbye " No, it only works once, and only on life forms with underdeveloped brains""Hang on. You said farewell tour. What do you mean, farewell"he wonder frowning"Shush Just go. Stop noticing. Just go. Stop noticing, just go. Stop noticing, just go. Stop it. Am I noticing? No. No, I am not. And what I am not doing is scanning for electrical fluctuations. Oh, shut up, you. I'm just dropping in on a friend. The last thing I need right now is a patina of teleport energy. I'm going. Do you hear me? Going. Not staying, going. I am through saving them. I am going away now It goes up tiddly up, it goes down tiddly down for only forty nine ninety nine, which I personally think is a bit steep, but then again it's your parents' cash and they'll only waste it on boring stuff like lamps and vegetables. Yawn" he said as he about to go when he goes to a shop " Yeah , Soph. Just enjoy your holiday. Yeah, coping.""Nobody panic, but I appear to be losing control" he said about to lose control "Yeah, love you""Oops. Guys, guys, ladies and gentlemen. While I deal with this awkward moment, you go and find your parents slash guardians. Try in lamps. Craig" Andrew said excited to see him"What the hell are you doing here""I'm the Doctor. I work in a shop now. Here to help. Look, they gave me a badge with my name on in case I forget who I am. Very thoughtful, as that does happen" he said showing him the name tag "You were leaving. The Alignment of Exeter, what about that? One chance to see it, you said""Well, I was on my way, you know. Saw a shop, got a job. You got to live in the moment. Craig, mind Yappy." he said as Craig frowned"What" "Yappy. The robot dog. Not so much fun as I remember. You look awful"he sud stroking the toy"i haven't slept, have I? I still can't stop him crying. I even tried singing to him last night""Yeah, he did mention that he thought you were crying, too. He didn't get a wink. Yappy, say goodbye to Craig and Stormageddon. Goodbye, Craig. Goodbye, Stormageddon What was that" he wonder as he heard a noise" You're here for a reason, aren't you? You noticed something, and you're investigating it. And because it's you, it's going to be dangerous and alien""Might not be" he said frowning " Doctor, I live here. I need to know"" No, you don't" he shock his head "My baby lives here. My son""Sheila Clark went missing Tuesday. Atif Ghosh last seen Friday. Tom Luker last seen Sunday" andrew said as Craig gets the paper "Why's none of this on the front page" "Oh, page one has an exclusive on Nina, a local girl who got kicked off Britain's Got Talent. These people are on pages seven, nineteen, twenty two. Because no one's noticed yet. They're far too excited about Nina's emotional journey, which in fairness, is quite inspiring" he said as they go out the shop " And what else" "These funny old power fluctuations which just happen to coincide with the disappearances" he said as they go near a lift "That's just the council putting in new cables, isn't it" "Oh yes, that's it. Mystery solved. Wasting my time. Now, you can go home and I can go to Exedor. Goodbye And here's the lift" he said as he goes in " it says it's out of order" "Not any more. See? Here to help" he said smiling "It says danger"" Oh, rubbish. Lifts aren't dangerous" he smiling "Do I look like I'm stupid" "Quiet, Stormy. Oh, all right. There's more Just between you, me and Stormy, don't want to frighten me punters. Someone's been using a teleport relay right here in this shop. Missing people last seen in this area. Before you ask, CCTV's been wiped" he said as he placed a figure on his lips "A teleport? A teleport? A teleport like, a beam me up teleport, like you see in Star Trek" "Exactly. Someone's been using a beam me up Star Trek teleport. Could be disguised as anything" he said "But a teleport in a shop? That's ridiculous What was that? Was that the lights again" "Yes, that's it. That's all. It's the lights" he said in a high pitch voice "Why did you say that like that" "Like what" he wonder what he talking about "Like that, in that high pitched voice""Just keep looking at me, Craig. Right at me. Just keep looking" he said as he saw a cyberman "Why" "Well, because, because, because I love you" he said stopping him from looking round "You love me" "Yes, Craig. It's you. It's always been you"he said smiling" Me""Is that so surprising" he said getting his sonic out "Doctor, are you going to kiss me," "Yes, Craig. Yes, I am. Would you like that? Bit out of practice, but I've had some wonderful feedback" he was about to kiss him when Craig saw what he saw"Doctor, no. I can't. I'm taken Oh, my God""Or we could just hold hands if it make you'd feel more comfortable," he said as the cybermen gets closer "What is happening" "Well, first of all, I don't really love you, except as a friend" he said "What is that" "Quick reverse" he said pointing his sonic and then they in the lift "What the hell just happened" "They must have linked the teleport relay to the lift, but I've fused it. They can't use that again. Stuck up there on their spaceship"""What were those things" Craig wonder " Cybermen""Ship. A spaceship. We were in space" he said going after Andrew.

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