Honeymoon Day One

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After leaving the other at Charlotte when they saved the day once more Charlotte and the doctor where on their way to their honeymoon. The doctor kept it a serprise of course as he wanted the best for Charlotte him and her had been through a lot and after skylar disappeared it was nice to have some quiet for a change. Nor did they know the other world have skylar problems soon enough the doctor was flying the tardis as Charlotte was getting dressed after changing her the doctor was worryed if how much power she had and what the pendent was doing to her. From what rose said Charlotte would turn evil and he did not want that he loved Charlotte and wanted to protect her no matter what in the dressing room of the tardis or the wardrobe as he called it charlotte was getting dressed. She loved the tardis she felt apart of it somehow like she understood it the pain or happyness she known the doctor sonde number nine and she felt so happy they meet. She wonder if this was planned their meeting because of skylar coming back and everything but she was happy she meet him and loved him very much. Charlotte mist her human self sometimes it was hard to let go of all that her mum and dad her friends. But she had a family here and even though being a time Lord was not easy all the time she enjoyed it all the same .

She could feel the power inside her it felt weird at first but she got ust to it sometimes she got more powers and other times it got stronger she nearly destroy the tardis. But she knew she had to control it because if she did not skylar will sure take her over. Charlotte picked out a nice outfit out of the wardrobe and went to her room to try it on. She closed the door and places the clothes on the bed not noticing the door handle was freazing over so she had a wash as the tardis landed. The doctor was smiling he was happy they where married he loved her since the beginning and he hoped they stay together forever so he walked out the door to get a good seat for their dinner together "morning sir what can I do for you" "can I get a table under the 1000 stars" the doctor said smiling as she looked the screen "yes we do" "thank you i be back later" he said heading back to the tardis to get charlotte he closed the door and head to her bed room he tried to open the door but it would not open "Charlotte you ok you  in there hello" no awnser and he tried to open the door but it would not go. Meanwhile inside Charlotte had just got dressed when she started to cry in pain as the power was getting was getting bad as the pendent glowed which alerted skyler wrist strap "What's that mum" "the pendent it's active well this is grate" skyler said smiling as she pressed a button to get her under her controle" no I am Charlotte I am not evil noooo nooooo nooooo noooo noooo nioo noo ""Charlotte what wrong Charlotte" the doctor said trying to push the door then he ran and knock the door down as Charlotte had his back to him "Charlotte are you ok what happened" "Charlotte turned round her eyes glowed" help me please "she fire a ball at him as it hit him as he fell Charlotte tried to control what happened. She held her head screaming" help me please I am Charlotte I am Charlotte I am CHARLOTTE ". 

"hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha "


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