Lets Kill Hitler

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In roses house she was rocking the baby as Andrew did a bottle "you sure you going to be OK" "yeah uncle Andrew you can trust us you and rose go find amy and Rory" clone Rebecca said smiling as rose got up passing the baby to them "thank you for doing this" "nah we love to help" raven said as they all nod "OK well we be off" "bye" they wave them off as they head to the tardis as it disappear and they landed in a corn field "why we here hon" "I found this new paper when we where at home" he showed it to her as she smiled "well least wait" as they did that amy and Rory where in a car "Okay, left. Sharp turn! Okay, right. No, no, no, I mean left. No, sorry, right, right. I definitely meant right. Now loop the loop Stop! Stop" "Seriously" he said holding the paper up "Well, you never answer your phone""Okay, you've had all summer. Have you found her? Have you found Melody" amy wonder if they found her"Permission""Grantet" Rory nods "You know who she grows up to be, so you know I will find her"" But you haven't yet" amy looked at him "Hang on. What's this bit" "That wasn't us" amy said looking at it "Argh" "You said he was funny. You never said he was hot" mels said nearing runing Andrew over "hey that my husband you nearly killed you ok hon" "yeah I'm fine" Andrew said standing up "Mels" "What are you doing here" amy wonder looking at them"Following you. What do you think"" Er, where did you get the car" Rory looked at it "It's mine. Ish""Oh, Mels, not again" amy said annoyed "You can't keep doing this. You're going to end up in prison,""Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost. You never said I was hot" Andrew said as rose gave him a look "Is that the phone box? The bigger on the inside phone box? Oh, time travel. That's just brilliant. Yeah, I've heard a lot about you. I'm their best mate""Then why don't I know you? I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were all brilliant. The men were a bit shy" Andrew said as rose pushed him "hey married remember" "sorry hon" he said holding her hand" I don't do weddings And that's me out of time"" Mels" amy said as she got a gun out"For God's sake""What are you doing" rose said she and Andrew put their hands up I need out of here, now""Anywhere in particular? " Andrew asked"Well, let's see. You've got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell. Let's kill Hitler" and it goes into the theam tune.

The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we arrive when amy was little "Is he hot" "No, he's funny" Amelia said " But how can he travel in time" "Because he's got a time machine, stupid" she said as young Mells wants to know about the doctor "I thought we were playing hide and seek. I've been hiding for hours""Well, we just haven't found you yet" she said saying hi to young Rory "Okay. Hi, Mels" "Hi, Rory" Mels said as he walked off "Mels, did you not understand the question? I'm asking you why the Titanic sank" "Because the Doctor didn't save it. Except you don't know about the Doctor because you're stupid" she said as she gets sent to the head teacher office "Why are you always in trouble? You're the most in trouble in the whole school, except for boys""And you" mels ask"I count as a boy""Am I getting warm" rory asked "Yes, Rory" "Mels" the other teacher said as they get older" A significant factor in Hitler's rise to power was the fact that the Doctor didn't stop him"" I can't keep doing this mels" amy said frowning "It was late. I took a bus"" Er, you stole a bus"Rory said looking at her "Who steals a bus" "I returned it" she said laying on the bed "You drove it through the Botanical garden""Short cut" she said smiling "Why can't you just act like a person? Like a normal legal person" "I don't know, maybe I need a Doctor" she said smiling "Stop it"" Er, I'd better go. I'm on earlies tomorrow" Rory said going to go " Okay"" It's all right for you. You've got Mister Perfect keeping you right" mels said looking at her "He's not even real. Just a stupid dream when I was a kid"" No, I wasn't talking about him" she said as she looked at Rory"What, Rory? How have I got Rory""Yeah, how, how's she got me" Rory said confused "He's not mine""No. No. I'm not hers" he said shaking his head "Oh, come on. Seriously, it's got to be you two. Oh, cut to the song. It's getting boring""Nice thought, okay, but completely impossible" amy said frowning "Yeah , impossible"" I mean, I'd love to. He's gorgeous. He's my favourite guy. But he's, you know " she touched his shoulder" A friend""Gay" amy said as he looked at her "I'm not gay""Yes, you are"she said frowning "No. No, I'm not""Course you are. Don't be stupid. In the whole time I've known you, when have you shown any interest in a girl"she said looking at him "Penny in the air"" I mean, I've known you for, what, ten years? I've seen you practically every day. Name one girl you've paid the slightest bit of attention to Oh, my God! Rory "" And the penny drops" mels said holding the model tardis "Rory" "Catch you later, Time Boy" she threw it as the tardis fly through the cloud when mels shot it "You've shot it! You shot my Tardis! You shot the console" "It's your fault" Mel said frowning " Argh! How's it my fault" "You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in a state of temporal grace" she said as he frowned "That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was a clever lie""Okay, we like him" Carter said as they scan the man " Costume want to know about the suit""Just colour and shape. Don't need anything detachable" he said as they get ready to be the man "Musculature good to go" "That was quick" he said frowning "They're showing off. Art department want to talk skin tone""Yes, I do. I don't trust the sensors, I want to take a look myself" Harriet said walking in "We're in a hurry. We're not trying to win an award" "Yeah, that's what you said when we made Rasputin green"she said frowning"Okay, get your fat one up there. Run" "Yes, Captain" she said walking off "Harriet's going to eyeball.Everyone else, good to go, please" "What do you want? What are you doing" said the man they after "Musculature online""Five foot eleven, confirmed" Jim said as they go to the man hight "Harriet, are you up there yet" "Welcome . You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented" said the antibodies as they arrive "Harriet, have you updated your privileges" "Yes, of course I have Look, I'm staff, see? Look, staff" age said as the antibodies go away"yoir existence will continue "" I don't understand "the general said frowning" Harriet, shift!"" Five seconds to eyeball.Shades forty four to eighty nine, peaking at sixty. Standard density. He's sweating a bit, so compensate" she said as she looked through the eyeball "What are you" "All hands, prepare for tessellation. Prepare for tessellation" said a voice as the women walked off "He Okay, clean up.""Argh" the man said as he got suck in "Who is he" "Eric Zimmerman. Loyal member of the Nazi Party. Guilty of Category Three hate crimes" Anita said telling them who he was "Well, then. Leave him to the Antibodies" "Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented. Welcome. You will experience a tingling sensation and then death. Remain calm while your life is extracted" antibody said as they appear and they look like jelly fish "What do you want? Who let you in here" "What's wrong with the shock absorbers" Carter wonder what's going on "Problem in the knees""Let's hope we don't have to run" he said as they walk " Do not call for help. This room has been sound screened. You have been found guilty. Justice mode activating""Hang on! This is 1938. We're too early. We need to go later in his time stream"jim said as they read his time stream"Something else. We've got incoming" "On screen. What the hell is that" Carter said as the tardis smashed through the window "Out, out, out! Everybody out. Don't breathe the smoke, just get out" "Where are we" rose wonder looking around "A room" "What room?" Rory wonder looking round "I don't know what room. I haven't memorised every room in the universe yet. I had yesterday off. Mels, don't go in there""Oi" Mel said going back in the box "Bad smoke. Don't breathe the bad, bad, smoke. Bad, deadly smoke because somebody shot my Tardis" "Doctor. This guy, I think he's hurt" Rory said as he was near the man "Transmit normal life signs" "Artificial gravity holding, but we should get upright when we can" Jim said as they needed to get up "No, hang on. No, he's fine""Ooo, hello. Sorry, is this your office? Had a sort of collision with my vehicle. Faults on both sides, let's say no more about It" Andrew said as they see Hitler "Who" "Is that? No, it can't be, Doctor" amy said as they still in shock "Thank you, whoever you are. I think you have just saved my life""Believe me, it was an accident" rose added "What is this thing" "What did he mean, we saved his life? We could not have just saved Hitler"amy wonder what's going on" You see? You see? Time travel, it never goes to plan""This box. What is it" he asked wonder what the box was "It's a police telephone box from London, England. That's right, Adolf. The British are coming" "No, stop him" he said as he shot the robot "Damage report! Damage report" "Sit still, shut up" Rory said taking the gun" Are you okay""Yes, yes. Yes, I'm fine. I think he missed" said Carter in the mans voice"He was going to kill me""Shut up, Hitler" rose said looking at him " Rory, take Hitler and put him in that cupboard over there. Now do it""Right. Putting Hitler in the cupboard. Cupboard, Hitler. Hitler, cupboard. Come on"Rory said as rose watches "But I am the Fuhrer" "Right, in you go" he said puting him in the cupboard "Who are you " "you okay" andrew asked "Sir, what do we do know" "Suggestion, we should go into surveillance mode"jim said"Agreed. Least faint" "Oh, I" and he faint " I think he just fainted""Yes, that was a faint. A perfect faint" rose said wondering what going on "Mels" "Hitler" Mels said "What about him" "Lousy shot" she falls as they ran to her "Mels! Mels" "Rory" rose said looking at him " No, no, no, no! I've got to stop the bleeding" "Sir, that blue box. I've got a match. We're trying to bag war criminals, we've got the biggest one ever right under our noses. Forget Hitler. If we take this one down, the Justice Department will give us the rest of the year off" Jim said as they scan the box "Are you sure" "There's no question. It's her" he said looking at him " How bad is it? Rory, what can we do" "Just keep her conscious. Stay with us, Mels" Rory said as he tried to keep her awake "Hey, look at me. Just hold on""I used to dream about you. All those stories Amy used to tell me" Mels said smiling at him "What stories? Tell me what stories. Vampires in Venice. That's a belter""When I was little I loved you "she smiled"thanks but I'm taken for" "you mean rose" she said as rose frowned "yes I'm his love um hon what going on" "Penny in the air. Penny drops" Mels said as she started glowing "What the hell's going on" "Back! Back! Back! Get back" Andrew said as they get back " Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of New York""Okay, Doctor, explain what is happening, please"amy wonder what's going on "Mels. Short for" "Melody" Mels nods " Yeah. I named my daughter after her""You named your daughter after your daughter" rose said knowing it as their daughter " It took me years to find you two. I'm so glad I did. And you see? It all worked out in the end, didn't it. You got to raise me after all""You're Melody" amy was shocked " But if she's Melody, that means that she's also" "Shut up, Dad. I'm focusing on a dress size" and she regenerate.

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