Christmas Carol

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Up in space a ship was heading to earth and it was out of control, on the ship the crew where trying to control it to get it to fly but nothing was working, the captain came in and looked at them "I don't know what we going to do we can't land" "it's to cloudy I can't see " said one of the crew as they tried to see through the cloud but it was to much. The captain sigh and they where about to give up when they got another message. " the honeymoon sweet "" I got a friend he can help " said amy as she looked at the women who had black hair and was wearing a white jacket. The women looked up at her and wonder what going on" "are you from honeymoon sweet ""shut up" said amy as she looks at what she wearing and sighs, the door opens again and Rory came in "the light stoped dose that mean he coming, oh it's just a bit of fun""honeymoon sweet "said another crew member as they look at what they wearing. Rory headed to the side of ship as amy followed him " dose it mean he coming or that I need to change the bulb "" he coming he always comes "said amy as she hoped the doctor would come as he always done if they are in danger, when the alarm goes off and the captain wonder what weing" what that boise""there's something at the side of us small like a shuttle, it's got a message for us "said the crew members as he tells the captain about the thing that's near their ship. Amy closes her eyes a bit and hoped it was the doctor" put it on screen, what that mean""it's Christmas "said amy as she smiled at the message and they watch the tardis fly infront of them and it goes into the theam tune.

The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show and the title and then we arrive on a planet where people where walking around buying food and Christmas trees. A boy runs past a man selling papers and takes one and carry on looking round "as people celebrate Christmas. They turn and hug to say well done well done everyone, we halfway out of the dark, there are many names that people call Christmas. Now you know what I call it expecting something for nothing". "please Mr sardick please let her put for Christmas, she loves Christmas "said the farther as he wanted him to let her out so she could spend Christmas with them, Mr sardick looked at them and walked to the girl in the box and tapes on it" oh dose she hello it's Christmas I thing she feeling a hit cool about the hole thing that was a joke. The guards all larght and he walked to them wonder how much they paid for putting her in the ice. "how much did you pay, oh well you paid this much and you want her to come out for Christmas, but she pretty thought your daughter mabey I should keep her "" she not my daughter she my wife sister she went into the ice when the family where going through a tough time, now please let her out " said the farther as he really wanted her to come out to spend Christmas with them when the phone ran. The guard walked to sardick and gave him the phone" phone call for you sir "" yes, no its not going to fall on my house now leave me alone, we'll leave my house go and pray for a miracle "said Mr sardick as he put the phone down watching them all out the door when. The fireplace started to fall with ask and the door opend and rose raven, Beth, Charlotte, the doctor and clone Rebecca came in as Andrew brushed himself off from the fireplace " sorry about this my husband saw a chimney and thought" "what the hell "said Andrew as he finished rose sentence as he smiled at them. Mr sardick wonder who they where and what they doing here" who are you and what you doing here "" I'm the doctor this is my wife rose, my brother and my friend raven, Beth, Charlotte and Rebecca. After we meet Santa's or I like to call him Geoff, we got a signal to come here so here we are "said andrew as he walked to a control area and looked at it as rose walked in and looked around, the boy looked at them and wonder if they really meet Santa's" Santa's not real "" oh yeah here is him and me look out for us yeah be good stay off the bad list, and we need your help "said andrew as he turned back after showing the boy the photo of him and Santa and wonder if they could get Mr sardick help with what going on in the sky, Mr sardick walked off and frowned" make a appointment "" well me, my husband and our friends are here to save thoes people on that ship and that machine other there control the cloud layer. So he going to try and use the buttons to help, or he eat his had if he had a hat, um hon the controls only work for him "" your right they do only work for him, well I need your help so will you give it who she "said Andrew as he looked at the women in the box and wonder who she is. Mr sardick frowned again and looks away" no one important "" wow In all my travel I never meet anyone not important before "said the doctor as he looked at the women inside, Mr sardick sighs and walks to his chair"im board now go" but then as they help the family out the boy slips through and hits Mr sardick with a rock and he runs to him and was about to hit him "don't hit that child" "get out get out of my house and find me some funny people next time, what you want "said Mr sardick as he moves his hand from the boy watches them go out sep from andrew, rose, raven, Beth, the doctor, Charlotte and clone Rebecca. Charlotte walks to him and standing infront of his chair" you did not hit the boy "" the chairs. You moved them away so the picture of your farther would not see you, and your not like him do you know why because you did not  hit the boy. And there are people on that ship and your on it"said andrew as he stood near his chair with Charlotte while looking at him. Mr sardick smiled and looked at them  "is that a sort of threat thing ""merry Christmas Mr sardick, it's suits you half we out of the dark" said the doctor as he took Charlotte hand and they walk out and left me sardick with all the mess on the floor. "clean this place up and put her down there with the others "as they did that back on the ship amy was taking to Andrew who was walking around the town with rose, raven, the doctor, Charlotte, Beth and clone Rebecca " you ok rose "" yeah I'm OK I'm just worryed about Mum. When she leaves the tardis after this I don't want the vistion to come true "said rose as she looked up at him as he placed the ear peace near his side. He held her hand and smiled at her" I love you so much and that will never change and your mum will be fine after this adventure. I'm  sure the vistion you saw won't come true "she smiled and they carried on talking to amy telling her about the machine they found." amy we found a machine that might be able to help you lad safely so I gave to find a way to use it "" OK doctor use your charm that always works. Just be quick we don't have much time what that noise "said amy as she could hear music In the background" a Christmas Carol, merry Christmas Mr sardick "" is Charlotte and your brother ok "said amy as she wonder if the doctor and Charlotte where OK after what they seen " they fine amy they with us we got to go see you later "he said as he took rose hand and they both hold hands and head back to see Mr sardick to change his ways. Beth looked at the doctor and Charlotte kissing and she was worryed about when rose saw a vistion of Charlotte turning evil and she hoped it would not come true" you ok Beth "" yeah but if rose is right we in danger so is Charlotte I see them over there and they so happy but I'm worried "Beth said as raven and clone Rebecca hug her" I'm sure it won't happen not all vistion come true "" yeah Rebecca right im sure everything fine "raven said smiling when the doctor and Charlotte stoped kissing to see  them walking off" do you want us to come "" no you spend some time with each other we call you if we need you "Beth said as the doctor nods and watch as they walk with andrew and rose. The doctor turned to Charlotte and smiled" so what now "" least go look around "Charlotte said as they hold hands and look around as they did that back in the house Mr sardick was in his chair asleep as a film started to play" my name is casran and I'm 12 years old this video is to film the fish for my eyes only Merry Christmas "" what going on what you doing "said the man on the tape in a loud voice that made me sardick jump and look at it unfold infront of his eyes. Beth walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and watch as casran gets hit by his dad" it's OK "" what you doing what is this "saud Mr sardick as he looked at Beth wondering what going on and why this tape was playing. Andrew smiled and sat on the seat and read a paper as Beth wonder if he saw a fish that day" did  you see a fish that day "" no but I learnt a lesson no one comes "said Mr sardick as he walked away from Beth as he walked to the bell to call the guards. He rang the bell but no one came "don't bother calling your guards they just won the lottery" "who are you and there isn't any lottary "said Mr sardick as he wonder who they are as they arrived here out of nowhere. Andrew looked up and smiled "tonight I'm the ghost if Christmas past" "get out, get our of my house "said Mr sardick as he shouted at them as they back away to the door" OK but we be back right back "and Andrew took rose hand and they walked through the door with Beth, raven and clone Rebecca and closed it and the tardis disappeared and reappear in the past.Young casran looked up to see Andrew , raven, clone Rebecca, Beth and rose stand at the window as it opend "who are you" "we your new baby sitters "said raven as she smiled at him and they all  walk in to the room and looked around," but what happens to my other baby sitter "" you never guessed you won the lottery "said Andrew as he jumps on the bed as rose gigged as he did so. 

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