Good Day

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Up in space stood the tardis inside the ship Andrew was walking from one of the rooms wearing a white jacket. Bow tie and trousers he was whistle "relight my fire" by take that and opened the door and shouted "river have a good flight see you later" "andrew what are you doing "said rose while smiling away as she come out while wearing a long dress. Andrew smiled and watch as she walked to him and he spung her around and kissed her on the lips" I love you my love everyone asleep so we alone so where today""is this what you do all day doctor "said amy as she sat on the step frowning at him rose cough and moved away to give them space" I better go "" sleep well so doctor tell me what you do your my best friend tell me what you do "said amy as she looked at rose who went through the door to go to bed she felt sad she could not spend time with him tonight . Andrew turned to amy and smiled" well first I was in a band called take that then took river on holiday wrote something all in jokes and danced with rose what wrong "" we such big part of your life ain't we " said said as she got up and walked to him stand by his side looking at the ring on his finger" you are important part of my life and you are the one I only remembered after my regeneration "" my life dose not make any sense doctor. When I meet you and your brother I did not have period. But then you  did something with time and I have period and I always have them. And remember them both in my head that what I been trying to tell you about "said amy as looks at him explaining why she wanted to talk to him the door opened and rose came in. 

" life dose not always make sense amy I should know now what you do now shapes the future come here "" what you doing "said amy as rose took her to a telepathic bit of the console and it tell them what her happy momories was" she showing your your happiness momories OK so it said this date so what happens then""I don't know oh yes I do I was at a fair ground and I dropped my ice cream but I don't know how it's a happy momories "said amy as she thinks about what happend in her past. But as she looked round Andrew  was near the tardis door" what you doing doctor "" so what happend next ". Said Andrew wonder what happend in her past the tardis showed amy smiled and closed her arms" um well a women who kind of look like me gave me a ice cream and said cheer up have a ice cream "" OK well you need to give that advice to yourself I love fair grounds but when we go on the Scarry rides can I hold your hand " said Andrew as he, Amy and rose walked out of the tardis to the fair ground and they had lots of fun this was Andrew good day ever.

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