What Is This Box

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Previously the doctor and Charlotte had just finished their day on the planet of 1,000 stars. The doctor was taking Charlotte on their next adventure but they landed in a throne room and got arrested by Arthur and uther what will happen next least find out

In guius room the tardis was taken there to be study to find out what magic it had. Uther and Arthur had tried to get in the box but it would not open so that's why they sent it to guius to find out why it was so hard to get in. Merlin was siting on the bench looking at the box wondering what it was and how it got into the throne room guius touched the box and stood back in shock "what wrong guius" "it's alive feel it" he said as merlin walked to the box and touched it feeling the vibration he looked shock as he could not believe what it was. When uther walked in with Arthur "so what have you found out about this box" "it's alive sire feel it" guius said as Arthur and uther touched it and could not believe what they felt.

"we need to talk to thoes two we need to find out what this box is" "yes sire" said Arthur as he walked off to the cell to cellect the doctor and Charlotte. As they did that in the cell Charlotte and the doctor where sitting on the bed as they hug "this day could not get any worse" "I know hon but we get out of here I promise" the doctor said kissing her head when Arthur waked to the cell "uther wants to see you" "oh grate what did I say" Charlotte said frowning as they got taken away to the throne room and made to kneel infront of uther "I'm king uther of camalot and this is my son Prince Arthur and my ward Morgana who are you" "I told you ok the doctor this is Charlotte and camalot what the legend" the doctor said really shocked about where they are Charlotte stood up and shock uther hand "omg I'm so happy to meet you I heard a lot about you all" "OK thanks I think but what is that box you have" uther wonder what the box was "I told you it's a time machine called a tardis" "is that even a word" morgana wonder looking at him as he frowned "yes of course it's a word it's called time and relative dimensions in space" "so your time traveler's" merlin wonder frowmed "yes well we both time Lords from gallerfray" "you have magic don't lie that box dose not apear out of nowhere I font believe in time travel" uther said as the guards taken them away but then the doctor got his sonic out and held it up making a noise and everyone covers their ears. The doctor took Charlotte hand and they ran trying to find the tardis "do you know were it is" "kind off" he said as they ran around the castle when they find it in guius room. They go in and the doctor pulled the leaver as it disappear from view. When the guard and the other reach the room the tardis was gone "where did they go" "I have no I'm sure we see them again" uther said as they walk off as merlin felt sad he could not get to know Charlotte a bit more but on the floor he saw a locket he picked it up and frowned "we shall meet again I'm sure".

Back in the tardis the doctor and Charlotte where happy to be out of there "that was close do you think we see merlin again " "I'm sure we will in time" the doctor smiled kissing her cheek as she blushes "so where now" "the beach" he grins as Charlotte jumped up and down as the tardis flys through space to the beach. In the castle skylar was watching with a smile her plan was coming into place and nothing was going to stop her "it is time she will be evil and I will get the doctor and this world will be under my power hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha ".

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