Clone The Baby

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Previously Natalie and merlin return and they headed to warn the other of what happened to Charlotte. When they got there rose was going into labour and had their baby girl called lottie but Natalie is evil this is not good at all.

Back in the tardis Natalie went into rose room as she was still asleep and got the clone machine out and scaned the baby. She smiled and vanished back to the castle and past it to skyler who smiled evil like "good job Natalie I'm glad I chose you" "your welcome my lady" she bowed as skyler walked off as she made a clone baby and past it to her "good luck" so Natalie disappeared and put the clone baby in the cot and disappeared with the real one back to skyler "your baby my lady" "good work now go back and only when I contact you again can you return" she said as Natalie bowed and disappeared back to the tardis.

"soon this baby will also be mine and soon Charlotte power will be mine and the hole world will bow to me hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha "she kissed the baby and walked off to see the doctor who was still tied up to the wall" had a good sleep have we lover "" please don't do this she hy everything I do anything to make you stop this "he said as skyler looked at him" anything "" yes "he nods as Rebecca set up the machine" will you love me and obey me "" if it mean saving Charlotte yes "he nods as skyler out her hand up for Rebecca to stop" get Charlotte now "" yes my lady "she bowed and ran off as skyler walked to the doctor touching his cheek" well let me think about it "he nods and wait for her decision hoping Charlotte will be safe.

Back in the tardis it was time to save charlotte Natalie was ready and the other apart from Andrew and rose where here to save charlotte" OK everyone ready "" yes "they all nod and raven pulled the leaver as the tardis vanished and apeard in the castle" so this is where she was all this time "" yeah I know I just wish we could get Rebecca back on our side "Beth said as clone Rebecca sighed" I know but you got me "" yes we do and we happy for that "raven said as they hug merlin used his magic and lead them to a door where they could see the doctor and skyler" there he is "" we got to save him "merlin said as Natalie stoped them shaking her head and pointed to see Rebecca brining Charlotte in the room" if we go in she kill her "they nod and wait to see what they where saying" now let my wife go I promised I would obey you now you let her go "" oh I don't think so because your friend are here "skyler said as she shot a fire ball at the wall as they come in the room" good of you to join us now plug her in "" No mum "clone Rebecca said as she was plugged in and stood near the leaver" goodbye time Lord "" nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Charlotte "the doctor cried as the room glowed with light a few minute later the machine stoped and Charlotte fell to the ground raven ran to her as clone Rebecca cut the doctor free" is she OK please tell me she OK "" she dead "raven said as the doctor cried into Charlotte chest as the other watch on wondering how they going to get out of this alive.

To be continued

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