chapter 8- The Pawn

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"Princess!" A guard says running up, clearly put of breath.


"Your father has been looking for you." He says bowing and catching his breath.

My eyes widen and I look to Alexon. He has the same look as me. We look to Mason and see he is confused.

Dad never looks to speak to me. I am usually around him so he can talk freely. The most he has done was send a maid with a letter for me.

"Lead the way." I say sweetly. He smiles at me and turns on his heels and walks ahead of us. Mason walks and I have to follow because he has my arm. Alexon runs ahead and walks with the guard.

"Do you know why he wants to talk?" Mason asks.

"No." I whisper.

The guard leads us down to dad's office and stands beside the door. I knock and hear a 'come in.'

I open the door and walk in with Alexon and Mason behind me. Dad looks up and I see shock come across his face and then he masks it.

"I spared him. Annebelle loves him too much and I couldn't have done that to her." Alexon explains taking a seat at the desk.

"So the wedding would have happened anyways?" Dad says leaning back.

I feel my face redden and turn to look at Mason. His face is both red and pale. He gives off a slight nod. I turn to dad and see he is waiting for my answer.

"I don't know." I say.

"Ah, has Annabelle fallen for her guardian?" Dad smirks.

"What did you call me here for?" I ask. Mason takes the last seat which leaves me standing.

Mason grabs my wrist and pulls me over to him. He pulls me down to sit on his lap and my face is about as red as a rose. Dad sighs.

"Apparently,  Tristan wants to wed you. He asked me first and Alexon is opposed to the idea. What happened there?"

I explain how I felt lightheaded and then we went to the doctors and how Tristan wouldn't let me out of his grasp or sight. Then he kissed me and I got mad and stormed off to get some air. The guards wouldn't let me leave and the lightheadedness got worse. Peter same out of nowhere and told Tristan to stop trying to get in my mind. I kind of threatened the prince and he was just smirking. Then I got out and tried to leave with the horse. They chased me with weapons and we got to a cliff.  My horse tryed to buck me off, I got shot and Peter fell off after getting shot while he was holding me. We fell off together and I woke up with amnesia. Then witches showed up.

"Witches!? Those pests?" Mason snaps.

"Those pests saved my life, Peter's life." I say calmly.

"And mine. They couldn't save your mother." Dad says quietly. The witches told me but hearing it from dad...crushes me. She and I never got along well but was still my mother.

We sit in silence.

"Mom is gone?" My voice cracks.

"Yes, I'm sorry Belle. I couldn't save her from the arrow." Dad lowers his head.

Mason pulls me closer to him. And I continue my story of what went on at the cave.

"Well, you have a very interesting way of things." Dad says breaking the silence.

"Your majesty, what do you plan on doing? I don't trust Tristan." Mason says.

"I am going to invite them over for a ball. This ball is to announce that your wedding is back on. We will see if he wants to challenge your for Annabelle's hand." Dad says.

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