25- infirmary

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"...Fine!" Cyril say defeated. I squeal in joy before his olive eyes meet my blue ones. "Under one condition."

"What is the condition?" Alaric asks before I can.

"That she is forbidden to leave the grounds until I say so."

"Grounds as in...?" I ask, becoming impatient. What type of grounds? The castle? The kingdom? The main city? The castle wing?

"Leave the castle." He states.

I groan while Mason chuckles. I pin my slightly angry gaze to him. "My last grounding was because of you, Duke. Don't forget that."

He breaks into laughter. "B-but it was w-worth it!"

"No it wasn't! I couldn't leave the castle for three moons! Not months, moons!" I whine.

"What did you get in trouble for?" Cyril asks, probably amused.

"I thought that Belle should learn more about her people so I made her wear peasant clothing and I took her into town and let her learn how her people survived."

I cross my arms over my chest. "While he was living in luxury, I was scrubbing dishes. Trust me, he learned his lesson."

"Her father thought it was just one of her little tricks. He was furious."

"Furious is an understatement." I mutter.

"Well, if it wasn't for Alexon, it could have been six moons."

At the mention of my brother's name, guilt, worry, and happiness fill in me. The happiness is that he came for me but the guilt and worry for making him come after me and him being hurt.

"Where is my brother?" I whisper out, turning towards Cyril, with tears fresh in my eyes.

"In the infirmary. The best of the healers are helping him, don't worry, love." Cyril says calmly and kisses my forehead.

"May I go and see him?" I sound as I feel; broken.

I can't loose my brother. Anything but him. He is the reason I'm still alive. I went into a depression when he was poisoned and the whole kingdom felt it. He might have lied about being sick for a few months but I still love him.

Growing up, we were inseparable. We did almost everything together, even learn how to run a kingdom. His poisoning affected me almost as much as him. And if he ever got hurt during training I always took his ground, making sure no one was to harm him, and he did the same to me.

"Your highness, I think it would be a good idea to let Annabelle go and see her brother." Mason says.

"Yes, Cyril, let her see her brother." Alaric joins in.

Cyril looks down at me and sees my broken state. Shock immediately takes form on his face. "If that is what you want, baby girl, I will take you to him."

I nod. He suddenly picks me up making me gasp and cling onto his shirt. He laughs and begins walking with Alaric and Mason following behind him like puppies.

I lay my head on his shoulder and hold back the tears. What could be wrong with him? I've never seen a man pale so quickly and then collapse except for when someone scares them badly.

Cyril pushes a door open and a bright white room makes me cover my eyes. I look around before spotting my brother's black haired head. I break from Cyril's grasp and fall to the floor. All the men reach to help but I stand, very clumsily, and run over to my brother's side.

I reach out and place my hand on his forehead and feel heat. He has a fever. I look him over and see he is shivering. I tug the blanket up to his chin and tuck him in.

"Is she like this with everyone?" Someone whispers.

"No, only her brother. The only reason she learned how to become a nurse to help take care of her brother." Mason whispers.

My fear slowly washes away and determination fills me. I have to heal my brother. I promised I would and I plan on keeping my promise. I see a bowl of water and a small cloth on the table beside him. I dip the tips of my fingers in the bowl and the water is hot.

I tsk and wipe my fingers on the cloth. No, this won't do. He has a fever and the water needs to be cold.

I see a few nurses notice me and then everyone else before scurrying off. I frown.

"Mase, could you get one of them for me? They are treating my brother all wrong." I ask him.

"As you wish, Belle." He whispers before walking after the girls that scurried away.

"Are you telling me that my-"

I interupt Cyril. "No, I'm not telling you that your nurses are doing a bad job, they are treating his fever wrong. The water is hot when it needs to be cold."

"Excuse me, your highness, but what can we help you with?" A nurse asks, emerging from the shadows.

"May I have a bowl of cold water?" I ask, sweetly and give her a smile to comfort her.

She nods and runs out with the hot bowl of water.

Mason walks towards me and stands by my side. "Do you know how he will be?"

"No, I hope he is fine. All he has right now, that I can tell you, is a fever. Did he mention anything else to you? A cough? Was he drinking tea? Anything out of the ordinary?"

Mason shakes his head. "No, Belle, I wasn't with your brother the week you were gone."

I gap at him. I have been gone for a week!? It feels as if I have only been gone for three days.

"Alexon went into a sort of stage where he talked to no one and ate little to nothing. The only time he ate was when the king forced him to and he talked only to Peter, and barely him. He was worse when he couldn't get to you than when you were in your sleep."

I look to my brother with sadness on my face. I brush his hair from his face and his mouth parts. I look back to the table and see a glass of water.

I lift his head up and slide under him, making sure he is lifted enough to not drown on the water. I grab the glass and carefully tip it so he can drink the water.

His eyes open slightly to show me his hazel ones as he gulps down on the water. I pull the cup before he gets himself even more sick. His eyes open even more and meet my blue ones.

"Belle." He croaks out.

"Shhh, I'm here now." I whisper out, brushing the hair from his face away.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now