39-You will always be my daughter

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Some of the wolves phase back to humans, not completely covered. Alaric curses and I cover my eyes quickly, only seeing some faces and bare chests.

"Sorry, my lady!" One of the yells before the ruffling of clothes fills the air.

"We are decent." One of them responds.

I peek from between my fingers and see them dressed all the way. I pull my hand down but keep the staff up.

"Wolves." I address them.

"Impostor." They address me.

"My name is-"

"No one cares about you, Annabelle." The witch responds from behind the wolves.

"I just want father and I will leave, forever away from you." I beg.

"You stepped into my world, you must be killed." The witch responds, her eyes narrowing with anger.

"Just let me get the king and leave-"

"Get her!" My mother yells.

A few of the wolves phase into their deadlier form and stalk towards me.

Alaric grabs my cloak and yanks me away and into a secret tunnel.

"Now is not time to be all high and mighty, princess."

I nod and run down the hall, knowing the least used passage that will take us to father's wing. Alaric keeps a hold on my cloak and we emerge on the farthest end of father's wing.

"My life is a lie. How do I tell the king this?" I ask Alaric as we begin walking towards father's room.

"You could always just straight out ask him?"

"Or I could never speak about it?" I offer, a little too hopeful that the answer will be yes.

"No father wants their child to know that they aren't their real child. I would never wish that apon my child even if he-or she-was not my legitimate child."

"True, but how would I go around and ask him?"

Alaric shrugs and I stop in front of father's door. I take a deep breath before knocking three times.

"Come in!" My father's voice bellows. My brightened gaze meets Alaric's shocked one.

I fling the door open and stroll in as if everything is perfectly fine. I see my father's head snap up in shock.

"Father, we must go and now."

"Annabelle? What are you doing here? You are supposed to be with your mother." The king says softly.

"She faked her death, father. I am the real me, everything is just her imagination. Ask me questions later but we must go!" I grab his hand and tug on his arm.

"Alaric? What are you doing here?" The king asks.

"Escorting your daughter." Alaric repies cooly.

"Belle?" The king asks, gaining my attention. I meet his hazel eyes. "What are you doing here? I left a note-"

"I refuse to leave you to the hands of this witch." I snap. "I might not be your legitimate daughter but I love you like you are my true father. Now, hurry, we must go before she makes our escape impossible. I will explain everything later."

He nods and grabs a cloak. "I am following you. You know the tunnels better than anyone."

I smile and walk over to the largest painting on his wall and pull it open.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now