Chapter 2-The stable boy

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We run down the hall and out of the castle. Alexon leads me towards the stables and I don't question it. We slip a little and I nearly fall on my behind. If it wasn't for Alexon holding onto me I would be covered in mud.

We get to the stables and Alexon knocks on the door a few times. A yound boy opens up then darts across the field into the woods. We walk in and Alexon is greeted by a guy my age. Maybe a little older.

"Alexon! Princess Annebelle." He says bowing.

"Mason." Alexon says with a smirk.

I look to the guy and meet his green eyes. I remember him. I look him over to see if he's the right person. He has his short brown hair, masculine frame, fine lips, and his gorgeous green eyes. He gives off a very noble appearance.

"Mason." I whisper out. It can't be!

He was my best friend until his father tired to kill me. He was sent to be killed but apparently Alexon saved him. He's originally a duke but he got lowered when his dad took that action. He was a possible marriage candidate. Actually he was my only candidate since I refused the others.

"Belle." He whipsers running up to me and giving me a bone crushing hug. I hug him back and let the tears fall. I hug him back.

"I missed you so much, Mase. You have no idea." I say.

"Same with you, Belle." He says letting me go. I let him go.

We all hear the clattering of weapons.

"The trail goes in here!" Someone yells.

Mason ushers me and Alexon into the hidden room and he closes the door behind him. I see three horses and point to them.

"We can escape with those. We can come back later. All I have is a dagger and a sheath of arrows with a bow." I whisper.

Mason nods approval but Alexon shakes his head.

"Too risky, Belle." He whispers to me.

"They are going to find us anyway." I stop to think for a second. "We can let one loose first and they can chase after it. The one of us can double up on one horse and the other gets their own." I whipser,  proud of my genious idea.

"That's a good idea." Alexon says. He moves to the horse and opens the door slowly and quietly. This door faces the forest. And slaps the horses side and the horse makes a noise and runs off. Mason saddles one of the horses at Alexon does the same. Mason hops on his the same time Alexon does.

"They are in here!" Someone yells opening the door.

I notch an arrow and aim it at the guy who is about to enter. He jumps in with a sword and I shoot my arrow in his throat.

I feel an arm snake around my waist and pull me up and onto the horse. I nearly drop my bow in the process. I feel the saddle under my rear and someone holding me when the horse takes off.

"Don't get yourself killed! Peter will kill me if he hears you are dead." Alexon says in my ear.

"Who's Peter?" Mason asks confused.

"My personal guard." I say.

He gives me a small smile.

"Where are we going?" Mason asks Alexon.

"To the neighbors in the north. They are close so a days ride or two. We got Annebelle's arrows to hunt if we need." Alexon says to Mason.

"I have my dagger too." I chime in.

"When did you start to carry weapons with you?" Mason asks.

"A while now." I respond.

We all become silent during the ride. I somehow fall asleep against Alexon.

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