47- the wedding

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"Annabelle!" Alexon yells down the hall. My head snaps up and I pause midstep.

His uniform is sophisticated and shows our kingdom colors. Since we have been home, we have decorated for the wedding. White everywhere. Thats all I can say about it.

I smile and wave, setting my heeled foot how all the way. I have mastered walking in heels. Even Alissa is amazed at my balance in these.

"Hurry, we are all waiting on you!"

I frown and quicken my pace, lifting the front of my dress to walk easier. Alexon helps me walk down the stairs.

"Be careful and I will see you soon." He whispers and kisses my forehead before running ahead to stand beside Mason.

My father walks up to me and offers me his arm. His suit is sophisticated like Alexon's and he is wearing a crown.

"I like your hat."

He laughs and holds out a tiara that matches his crown. I grab it and look at the silver tiara with confusion.

"What is this for?"

"To show your rank, Belle. It is a wedding. This crown symbolizes that you agree to share it with Mason."

"But I am sharing it with him."

"This shows that you are."

I nod and set the silver tiara on my head while taking my elven crown off. My father offers me his arm and I wrap my arm around his and wait for our cue.

My dress hangs around me and my nervousness increases. "Dad, what if he leaves or says no?"

"The only way he would leave you this time is because of death. That man standing on the alter loves you more than you think. Belle, why are you scared that that he is going to leave you now?"

"I-I don't know. It's all of these sudden realizations that I'm getting married, that Mason is actually back, that I am not your legitimate daughter, that I was nearly killed by Tristan, that an elf loves me, that Mason is going to stay with me." I whisper the last part.

"Belle, he won't leave you. He fought every damn day to get back to you. Didn't you read his journal?"

I nod, tears filling my vision. My dad sighs and kisses my forehead.

"He is safe and sound now. You don't have to worry about him being harmed anymore. Now, our cue is up and everyone is waiting on us. Can you put the biggest smile on your face for me?"

A trick I learned from alexon. To be able to smile whenever is to remember a time that was funny so I  remeber the time Alexon and I hid things from the cook. A small giggle escapes me and the tears dissappear.

"Let's go." My father says and nods to the guards. They bow and open the doors, presenting us two to the entire kingdom.

All eyes turn to me but my gaze lands on only one person. Mason.

He is wearing a suit like father and Alexon but his his white with our royal colors.

When he notices me, his eyes instantly lighten and widen. His jaw drops open. Alexon, who is standing beside him, is laughing at Mason. He pushes Mase's jaw up.

Whispers, murmurs, and whistles are heard as the kingdom lays eyes on me.

But what makes me look down is the intensity of Mason's eyes. The look of complete love, adoration, and protection.

Father walks me down the aisle and Mason walks down to the bottom steps.

"With this statement, I am handing my daughter over to you for protect, love, and a promise to her kingdom. Do you agree?" Father announces and the crowd becomes quiet.

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