chapter 9-pictures of memories

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Mason pulls me out of the room and down the hall. He leads me to my wing and opens the guest room. I gasp.

There is paintings everywhere of everything. There is waterfalls, forests, bushes, flowers, people, and animals. But what amazes me the most is how pretty all the pictures are.

There are a few paintings of me, Alexon, and of Clarissa. But mainly me. Of me laughing, playing with the horses, and me arm in arm with my brother. That was when we were walking down the ballroom to mom and dad. This was when we were announcing that Mason and I were to be wed.

You can see the envious stares of women and the lustful ones of men. The designs of dreeses and the ties of tuxes.

I grin and reach out to touch the canvas lightly. I was very excited to tell everyone that I had a love but then his father tried to kill me.

" you like it?" Mason's voice comes from behind me. He sounds shy and nervous.

"No. I don't like it-"

"I knew it. I shouldn't have ahowed-"

"I love it." I say turning around and hugging him.

He hesitates for a moment then hugs me back. "I have others I would like to show you."

"How long have you been painting?" I ask pulling away. I walk over to a picture that looks familiar. It's the view from the library window. It has the forest and a lake in view in the distance.

"About six years now." He says after a while.

"Since before you left? How come you never showed me any of them?" I move to the other paintings. One of them is of a rider on a black horse. The rider is wearing a red cloak. Red riding hood. Me.

"I was worried you wouldn't like any of them and that you would think it is a girl's hobby."

"I love them but why are so many of them of me?"

"What do you mean? This is of the legend Red Riding Hood." Mason walks over to me.

I smile at him. I grab his hamd and point to the horse. "Starlight, she has a star on her leg. What are the stories about?"

"A rider who wears a red cloak and rides a black stallion. They go so fast sometimes, all you see is red and black but if you catch them going slow you would see the horse has a white patch on it and the rider has light brown hair."

"So far I haven't came across a wolf yet. And I thank the gods and goddesses above for that." I say honestly.

"You are Red Riding Hood?!" Mason yells out in shock.

I slap my hand over his mouth and shush him. "Yes. I am and I plan to keep that a secret. They think Red Riding Hood is a fugitive and a hero. I want to keep it a secret for now."

He nods and pulls my hand from his mouth. He kisses the back of it and holds it in his. "Come on. I have another to show you."

He pulls me to a painting of me in my garden. I gasp. Subconsciously, I reach out to touch it. It shows all the beauty of my flowers and how they all blend to create something beautiful. It shows the sun shining down on the roses and Jasmines. On all of them and then there is me in the back with my hair down to my low back and wearing a simple pink dress. The picutre me has the basket in the crook of the elbow and is holding a lily.

I see a few people hidden in the back, most likely guards. The picture also shows my bench which has my book on it. The book is open and has a few pressed flowers.

How does he do this? It's as if he has taken a picture of it. I never stood still for any of these pictures. And a some I never even knew he was there.

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