17- the man

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I head towards my chambers and notice Mason sitting on the floor with his back against my door.

"Mase? What are you doing?"

His head snaps up. His eyes are distant. "Wake up, Belle. Please. You have to wake up."


What? I open my mouth to speak but the world turns fuzzy. What is going on?

"Belle! Wake up!" His voice sounds far away. I blink and notice I am in a long white corridor. I've never been here before. Where am I?

My vision suddenly becomes blurry and brightness fills my view. I begin to panic. What is going on? Why is the hall becoming so bright!? I try to shield my eyes from the light but it doesn't work well.

Everything suddenly turns black and I feel something damp on my forehead. I hear faint yelling as I struggle to move or open my eyes.

What is going on? Why is everything that happened the past week vanish from my memory? Was wolves involved? Did I talk to them? Did I talk to Raymond? All I remember is falling down a cliff with Peter reaching towards me. And that is even fuzzy.

Someone grips my hand and squeezes it. "Please wake up, Belle. I miss you." A masculine voice whispers out. It sounds as if the person hasn't had anything to drink for a while.

Something wet lands on my hand before a hand wipes it away. The person breaks into sobs.

I can't move! I am unmobile and all I see is black! Is this what it is like being in a slumber? No, that isn't the word. What was the word?

It will come to me eventually. I hope.

"Alexon! Be careful with your sister!" A fatherly voice yells.

Daddy! Save me please! What is going on!?

"I-i'm s-sorry. I j-just miss her!" The masculine voice crys out. Oh, Alexon. You stayed by my side just like I did while you were sick. "I-i can't leave her side. She stayed by mine and I plan on re-returning the favor."

"Mason wants to see her. Let him have his turn." Dad says firmly.

"I'm not leaving her side, father. If Mason wants to see her then let him in but I don't plan on leaving her side until her eyes open."

I hear a sigh before doors open. I hear feet running towards me and my other hand is gripped firmly.

"Belle. Please wake up. You are killing us all." Mason's familiar voice whispers.

Mason! Please save me! You must know how!

The cloth moves off of my head is replaced with another cold one. I mentally sigh in relief.

"She still has her fever, Alexon. I'm worried she might not make it." Mason whispers.

"She has to. Peter kept her alive for a week and he wants to see her breathing and walking around before he can resume his duties." Alexon tells him.

"Well he isn't the only one. We all want her to wake up. We have to tell her the news."

"She will be happy." Alexon mutters.

The room becomes quiet except dor the occasional sob that is released from either side of me. I feel o things lean against my sides and want to say it might be their heads.

"I love you, Belle." They both mutter.

I love both of you too.


Doors slam open and the two figures laying on me jump up in shock.

"Get off of her!" My father bellows.

The two forces scramble to get off of me.

"Tristan surrendered!"

I hear hollering. What happened?! What is going on? We went into war with the Northern Kingdom? How did this happen?

I hear the doors slam open and a powerful force makes its way towards me.

"Guards!" Mason yells. I hear three swords being unsheathed.

I hear the stomping of boots and the clanking of metal.

"Silly royals. I came her for her." A masculine voice rings out. It has power. A lot of power.


"She is my debt. Ask your majesty about it." The voice says while coming closer.

"Does that mean you will heal her?" Alexon asks.

"She is my property. Nothing of mine is less than perfect." The voice says.

I feel the cloth being removed from my forehead before a finger touches it. A burning sensation flows from my head to my toes through my bones.

I want to scream out in pain but can't. I'm unable to move still.

Isn't he suppose to be fixing me?

A power takes over me and my body relaxes. I try to move my fingers and feel them move. I open my eyes and sigh in relief.

"Belle!" Two voices yell out before I am surrounded by two men I love deeply.

I humm in response and hug them close to me. I begin to cry and bury my face onto Mason's chest. He hugs me closer and lets me cry.

"Why are you crying, love?" Mason whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry." I cry out.

"ENOUGH!" The masculine voice bellows.

The two men holding onto me flinch while anger courses through me. I'm suddenly pulled from their grasp and dragged away by the back of my dress. I look at them confused before screaming like I'm being murdered.

The person drops me and I bolt- no, stumble- towards Mason. He catches me and pulls me against him. I turn and face the man who dragged me.

He has striking blue eyes and a shadow of a beard. He holds authority and power.

"Come here." He orders me. I lift my chin defiantly.


"Come. Here." He growls out. His blue eyes seem to sharpen in anger.

"I was told never to talk to strangers."

I feel his fury over here but I refuse to show him I'm weak. Even if he did just fix me.

"You taught her well Gregory. Too bad you couldn't keep your eldest alive." The man says with a smirk.

My fathers face turns from being pale to red in anger. "She was assassinated! How was I suppose to know!?"

"They kept the youngest alive and she was in the same room." The man points out.

"What do you want with me?" I ask the man.

"You are my new apprentice. More like slave but I don't believe you are ugly enough for that." The man says.

I hide my anger but he must see something in my eyes because he smiles.

"Come on, dear. I have full power over you." He says and motions for me to come to him.

My body moves towards him against my own will. I meet Alexon's eyes and see horror which matches mine.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now