chapter 6- the rescue

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We go about doing nothing for what feels like a few days. A few days later I find another bottle and see its a note from Alexon.


I got your note and how can you not remeber Peter? I thought you liked him? Did he tell you how important you are to him? Is he taking care of you and treating you well? OH! I almost forgot to mention. I sent out a search party for you two along the river. If they show you a flower then it is my search party. If they don't then try to fight them off and flee, somehow. Trenton has also sent out a search party for you too. Dad won't listen to me and say you ran from them but he thinks I dragged you and ran. Please write down for him to read. Just don't let Trenton get you first. He wants to make you his wife and dad is thinking of agreeing. He thinks it is a good idea to unite the two kingdoms and make it one,  but I don't agree. Belle, I miss you so much. You are the only one who is talking to me and mama is dead. The witch couldn't save her, but they saved dad. I will explain more when you get home. Please respond quickly. I want to hear your sassy comments.

Love, your dull and somewhat laughable big brother

I feel tears runnning down my face. I can't let Treton get me. Anyone but Trenton. I feel arms wrap aroud me and pull me towards a very muscular chest. Peter starts to talk in my ears and wipes away my tears. I bury my head in his chest and cry even more. I miss daddy. I miss Alexon! And most of all I miss Mason. I miss home and my garden and my books.

"Shhhh. Shhh. It's okay baby kitten. We will be home soon enough. I promise you that much." Guardian Sanders says resting his face in the crook of my neck. "Now what does the note say that made you shed tears, baby kitten? What upset you so much? Is there any news about home?"

I hand him the note and fish the pencil out of the bottle. I turn to face Peter and see his face in anger. He looks up and his eyes even show anger, no fury. His eyes show complete fury in dark pools of brown. I back away in fright. I have not seen him angry and it is not cute. Note to self: Don't make Peter mad.

"He is not going to get you! You are mine and mine only! Is that clear?" He asks in a firm tone. I nod quickly and back away more. Don't make him anymore mad than he already is.

"O-Okay. H-h-he won't g-get me." I stutter out and look towards the floor. I hear him get up and feel his arms wrap around me. He mutters in my ear but I am shaking still by how angry he is. "I don't even like Trenton, you brute."

I feel his laughter. "Gods, whoever likes him must be blind or just stupid. He smells of brat and untamed power."

What? Untamed power? I know Trenton has munipulation powers but other ones? Is he part decendant of witch or fae? Or some other creature? And why does he want me? What did I do to get his attention. I was defending myself and thats about it. Wait! "How can you smell power? Who can possibly do that?"

Peter stiffens and pulls away. "What do you mean?" He gives me a blank look. "Nobody can smell power."

"But you just said that he smelt like untamed power. So appearently you can smell power."

"We will talk about this later. Right now, we have to entertain our guests." His looks go over my shoulder.

I turn and see a bunch of men on a row boat.

"Princess Annebelle! We have been sent to retrieve you from this tiny and dingy cave." One of the men says. He hops out of the boat and walks up to me. He bows and takes my hand in his and kisses the top. "Alexon sent us."

"He did?" I try to act excited. "What did he bring for me? Any sweets?"

The guys look back and forth between each other expectantly. My facefalls. Oh, fish food. These are Trenton's men. "We didn't bring you anything princess. I'm sorry."

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