22-Lock you in the dungeon and let you rot

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"No!" I scream as Ayre releases the arrow.

It flies but doesn't hit Peter. It is floating in front of him. I look to Alaric to see him smirking. He notices me looking and winks.

"Round them up. I want them locked into their own wing until I can talk to them both. Am I clear?" Cyril orders.

"Yes, your highness." The guards say, lowering their arrows.

Peter looks to me and hops off of his horse and onto mine, nearly knocking me off. He grips the front of my shirt and makes Starlight take off quickly. I scream as I fall off and the only thing keeping me from hitting the floor is Peter's grip on me.

"Belle!" Alaric and Cyril yell, follwing us.

My feet are dragging on the floor. I kick up to avoid raming into the tree truck.

A hand reaches out to grab me and I reach for it. The person pulls me onto his horse and I bury my face into his chest and cry.

The arms wraps around me tightly and the person tries to soothe me while I cry into his chest.

"Ayre! Capture the guard and lock him up!" Cyril's voice yells from above me.

"Call your horse, Belle! She listens to you!" Alaric yells.

"She is in hysterics, Alaric! What makes you think she can call to her horse!?" Cyril yells to him.

"She is strong!"

I turn my head forward and see Starlight running with Peter on her.

"Starlight! Halt!" I yell out. I see her slow down. "Come here girl!"

"Go!" Peter yells at my horse.

She bucks him off and stops. I look up and notice I'm being held tightly by Cyril. "It's okay, baby girl. I got you." He says then kisses my forehead.

Tears fall from me even faster and I bury my head into his chest. I don't care anymore. All the people I care for hurt me. Dad sent me off like a pawn, Peter almost just hurt me, Alexon lied to me, which hurts more than actual pain, and Mason.

Mason never actually hurt me. He just let me think he died. But that still hurts.

Maybe I can start a new life here and forget all those people. It would be a good idea right? I mean an opportunity has literally handed itself to me in the form of a king.

I feel the horse slow down until we are walking slowly. I still feel him rubbing his hand up and down my back and him holding me close.

I peek to the side and see Starlight following close to us. She also isn't being held into and the closest guard is a few yards away from Starlight.

I reach a hand out towards her and she nuzzles it. "You didn't know."

She prances then poses making me smile. She steps beside Cyril and walks perfectly beside the horse. Cyril picks me up and sets me on Starlight. I sit up straight and she begins a fancy but funny walk.

"How do you know how to ride bareback so well?" He asks.

"Dad thought it would be a good idea to know how to ride all ways in case something ever happened and I had to ride a horse without a saddle. I also know how to ride the way a man would." I tell him, sliding my other leg over my horse's back.

He watches in amusement. "What don't you know how to do?"

"Fight with a weapon other than a bow."

His brows shoot up in shock. "Really? They didn't teach you how to fight with a sword?"

"I was already breaking my mother's rule of learning to ride bareback. I was risking it when I made out top archer teach me how to use a bow correctly. Peter and Gerald, the lead guard, was suppose to teach me but a few things happened and here I am now, not knowing how to use a sword or anything other than a bow."

"Would you like for me to teach you?"

I shake my head. "No, you are too busy with running a kingdom. I would never want you to abandon your duties to help me."

"It would be my honor to teach a lady like you to protect herself. Then I won't worry as much about you being defenseless."

"You already have a guard assigned to me. What more could you possibly do?" I retort.

"Lock you in the dungeon and let you rot." I freeze and gap at him, completely and utterly horrified.

He turns to look at me and winks. "I'm kidding, baby doll. The only place I would lock you in is my bedroom."

I shut my mouth and my cheeks heat up.

"What? No remarks?"

"I sure hope I would be alone in the bedroom. I don't think I could stand being in the same room as you." I scoff and look away.

"Oh, but you feel the exact opposite, don't you, baby doll?" He says lowly. I look at him from under my lashes and see him smirking.

"And how would you know if I did?" I meet his gaze and counter his smirk with a perfectly raised brow.

"Because, baby girl, you are an open book."

This time I smirk. "Yes, I completely forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me."

One rule my instructor taught me was to show no emoitions and if I do, very little or the opposite one. It can save your life.

I didn't pass that lesson.

"Belle!" Peter yells. I look behind me and see him cuffed and being dragged behind us all.


"I'm sorry. I thought you were trying to escape from here. I didn't mean to make things worse for you." He apologizes.

"Originally, I was trying to escape and I almsot got away. I was so close. Closer than with Tristan." I mutter the last part to myself.

"What do you mean by that, sweetheart?" Cyril asks.

I look over to him and see curiosity on his face. "What do you mean by that?"

"What did this Tristan do to you?"

"Prince Tristan of the Northern Kingdom. He tried to kidnap Belle." Peter speaks up.

"I found her two weeks after in a sleep like death. It took a lot of power and she dealed with the bitchy me so she should be fine." Alaric speaks up while making his horse catch up to me and Cyril.

Cyril watches me closely. "You are almost dead and now you act fine?"

I look at him, completely baffled. "Do you want me to be in shock? Or would you prefer a princess who isn't a glass doll?"

"Why are you wearing trousers!?" Peter's voice sounds horrified.

"She may wear whatever she wants here. Our women wear trousers or dresses. Whatever they feel fit to wearing, so why would we stop our guests from doing the same? She seems more graceful in trousers than with a dress." Cyril states.

"Why do you allow your women to wear men's clothing?" Peter continues to talk.

"Peter Sanders! You will respect him! He runs his kingdom the way he wants to. Am I clear?" I snap at him.

He lowers his head. "I'm sorry your highness."

"Sorry for what?" I ask him. "You need to clarify who and why."

"I'm sorry, King Cyril, I didn't mean to disrespect your ruling." Peter says shamefully.

"You didn't have to do that, baby girl." Cyril says to me.

"He needs to learn that we aren't at home and he can't go around questioning everyone's motives for things." I tell him firmly.

"If you put it that way, then thank you, princess." He nods his head to me.

I smile. "You are welcome."

"You got close to escaping. How much quicker is your horse?"

"I think she can go faster." I say, trying to think if she has gone faster. Yes, when we ran from Tristan and when I ran from rogue faries. They are fast little creatures.

"She is a fae horse, Cyril. Did you forget that?" Alaric teases.

"Shut up!" Cyril yells at his brother, earning giggles from me.

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